A couple of questions about applying to the Verified Bot list

Hello! We are working on applying to get on the verified bot list, and I have a couple of questions. 1. We have a form on our marketing site where potential customers can enter their domain, and we use a bot to visit their site so we can show the benefits of our product. We obviously have no way of verifying they own the site at this stage. Is this allowed? 2. Are there requirements for where public documentation needs to be made available? Thanks!
2 Replies
Idle7mo ago
have you looked at https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/configurations/verified-bots (the very form that you use to add a verified bot). providing a documentation URL seems to be required, as for customers adding their domain, have you considered verifying ownership? the https://developers.cloudflare.com/bots/reference/verified-bots-policy/ provides more information on bot behavior as well
harry_whatOP7mo ago
Thanks for the response. Yeah I've checked over all of the documentation I could find about their policy, as well as the form. There isn't a whole lot of info, so I'm hoping if we make any mistakes, we'll be able to get feedback and correct things until we're approved. - As far as documentation, it's not clear if this needs to be documentation that we have on our website that anyone can find (through a link in our footer or something) or if we could simply just provide a link to a public Google doc for Cloudflare to review. - We can't really verify ownership of a domain until they install our JS snippet on their site, unless you're suggesting something like a checkbox asking them to attest that they own the domain? It's tricky, because one thing that we use a bot for is to help customers verify that they installed our JS correctly on their site.

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