Last straw. Unknown error: transient error (421): 4.3.0 Upstream error, please check...

Sad to let go of this product but unfortunately we had to migrate our main domain because of how unreliable this service has been. Hoping to see it get better in the future
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3 Replies
nullptrOP7mo ago
The sender was actaully google and the emails were all denied
nullptrOP7mo ago
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Chaika7mo ago
This channel is for help not really for feedback, you could try #email-routing for that. This is ultimately Google who is rejecting the email though, Email Forwarding will always be a bit meh due to issues with spam and such, and if you don't control the destination email server you're forwarding to you're at their whims. If it's for mail which is important/business I would always recommend a proper email solution like fastmail/google workspace/365/etc

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