Booting Into BPM

I have Steam set to launch into Big Picture Mode for a Steam Deck like experience (NVIDIA card). When I boot, Steam launches and starts big picture mode but it is not full screen. The GNOME top bar and bottom dock are both visible, and BPM almost looks like it’s in the workspace switching view. If I click on the BPM window, it goes into full screen. Is there any way to set BPM to properly launch into a full screen view on boot?
4 Replies
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo7mo ago
You can disable GNOME booting to overview with the included just perfection extension Note that you can expect big picture mode to run like shit on your hardware Unfortunately this isn't much of a workaround for game mode not working
kanyes_red_hatOP7mo ago
Ok thanks, I’ll try Just Perfection! BPM has run mostly fine on Bazzite and Pop, is there a better distro for NVIDIA hardware?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo7mo ago
it's a nvidia problem, not a distro problem if BPM worked well for you then you'll continue to be good it's just much, much less performant than it is on any other hardware
kanyes_red_hatOP7mo ago
I’d say it’s about on par with SteamOS on my deck. Occasionally laggy but mostly responsive. Changing the GNOME booting behavior solved it, thank you very much!

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