No A40s available
Been checking all throughout the day, but no A40s are available. Anyone know why?
13 Replies
Hey! We're currently experiencing high demand for A40s and are working with our suppliers to increase our stock!
do you know how long this will take aproximately?
There's currently no ETA, however we will announce as soon as we increase our stock! I'd recommend just using another card until availability does change
How do I transfer my data from one pod to another easily?
Transfer files | RunPod Documentation
Transfer files to and from your Pod using runpotctl, SCP and rsync commands. Prerequisites include a Linux or WSL instance, runpotctl installed, SSH configured, and rsync installed. Follow syntax guides for secure file transfer and option flags for customization.
this is so confusing lol
love to hear the feedback, which part is confusing?
i'm not very technical so the typing the commands part is muddling my brain
I assumed there would be a straight forward drag and drop system from one pod to another
I c, thanks for the feedback! i noted and let me think how we could make it more easier in future.
what is the easiest way to do it?
there's multiple ways from the looks of it
I feel runpodctl is the easiest way.
I can't make a new pod now cos the template i've been using isn't available anymore?
just use cloud sync, if runpodctl is still too hard
its easier
pod 1-> cloud sync -> your chosen cloud storage -> open pod 2 -> pull from your chosen cloud storage (cloud sync )
which template?