I think I might be seeing some messages
I think I might be seeing some messages dropped from my queue? Some final data in our db is missing and I traced it back to this.
Cloudflare dashboard shows 321 messages successfully delivered
Logpush logs only show 313 events from that queue
All of these messages were sent in the same few seconds/min. What happened to the other 8 messages?
7 Replies
could you send me your account ID & queue ID? both are safe to share here
account id
queue id e5410721fcde47368a3a99c71af752db
Thank you
Feel free to message me directly toodo you happen to have the timeframe when you sent these messages? I'm not seeing any errors with your Queues so I suspect there isn't an issue on the Queues side, but let me keep digging
4pm PT Aug 26th
Shows 321 successfully delivered
Logpush logs only show 313 messages like this
And my database only added 313 items, one from each message in the queue
Queue messages range from my logpush analysis:
Earliest timestamp: 2024-08-26 16:40:30.651000
Latest timestamp: 2024-08-26 16:42:42.727000
Time range: 0:02:12.076000
@Pranshu Maheshwari so technically 4:40 PM PTty, this is very helpful - let me dig into this more
could you send me over your queue consumer code? As well as your wrangler.toml? Feel free to DM me if you'd prefer
I can DM yeah