Character Concepts
A place where everyone who has an idea for a character can put there thoughts in one place and discuss! Goal of this chat is to just theorize a character up and have fun!

62 Replies
I will be putting my Super 17 concept once I get home
give vegito an ability that makes his rush attack a spirit sword (increases the damage and attack speed and changes the animation)
Black should be a character that encourages hunting down/fighting other heroes to grow stronger, kind of the opposite of Zamasu
I feel like making it solely "this pain will make me stronger" would be fairly unstable and risky
So maybe he just gets stronger in general from damage he both gives and receives from enemy heroes
It would also convey how they cover each other's weaknesses in the anime
Zamasu is a god at sniping bosses, he farms immo gauge easily off of them, bosses never do significant damage to him
Whereas Black would have the burst and chasedown ability to confirm kills on people who are running or to be more threatening towards enemy tanks
Which would also let a Zamasu help a Black since Zamasu is good at tanking for his squishy allies and using Rush to save them, letting Black go for risky plays to get stronger while Zamasu is there to bail him out
Would also make sense as to how they operated in the anime, Black was always on the frontlines directly exterminating people whereas Zamasu never even emerged until the Saiyans came to the future
I hope Omega has a bunch of versatile abilities and big AoEs
That would be cool, increase the range a bit too
Zamasu: struggling to 1v1 SSJ Vegeta
The Goku Black coming down the lane:
Offensively Zamasu's slow and push would help enable Black's kill potential as well
I mentioned this in the other thread, but I’d love for Kid Buu to be in the game; he’d be a good tank character. Maybe something similar to regen like Zamasu but not as powerful. Then he could play a long range game with Kamehamehas and stretching his arms beneath the ground.
Then they could add Super Buu as an attacker if they wanted to have the Buus covered.
Yeah Kid Buu could be an annoyingly sticky tank with some CC like Majin Buu I feel
Me 50000 feet across the map when Super Buu ults and a pink laser is rapidly descending upon my location
@Moon I’m so happy to see you wall text this channel…thank you
Tears of joy
I have Zamasu autism
This could also still work fine as a combo post nerf if they just nerf Zam's damage
Half the problem with Zam is that he is not only immortal but can instantly force you out of position and still has real damage potential, therefore he can threaten a kill on you when you can rarely threaten a kill on him
Nerfing his damage would be a fine way to combat that because he's still immortal but not also shredding you
Doesn't have everything from defense and offense
Which would then set the stage for him to work with a Goku Black attacking hero that works in that vein!
I will post my autism soon
I would like Merged Zamasu to be a versatile ranged attacker, kinda similar to Piccolo
In base anyways
Since before he corrupts he fights very "arrogantly", he uses a bunch of fancy ass ki blasts that have never been seen before or since and he rarely ever uses his hands (and even then he only does so to parry people when they get close)
Maybe give him a high health bar or a biiitttt of self healing just to emulate his immortality while not giving him regular Zamasu's whole ass tank healing
Then when he's at a certain level he can choose to corrupt and become a mobile melee attacker with insane burst damage but lower health
So health wise maybe the reverse of the Super Saiyans but not quite as lopsided? (Baseku health late game would be pretty ass)
You can bring in CMZ if you desperately need to burst a GoD or when the game is about won (ex: the post ape bumrush)
Maybe he has a knockback skill (geets explosive wave esque) as CMZ to balance it out
Similarly to how AGL Zamasu plays in Dokkan, you stick with the more stable, better defensively regular MZ and when it's "burst down the stage or lose" or "I definitely won't get hit before the boss dies" you go into CMZ and do 3x as much damage in exchange for some defense
Ranged DPS that becomes melee would also just be interesting conceptually
That would be really cool I thought about that in my brain before
Transforming to change styles
Would have high skill expression too, which DB games do encourage with Merged Zamasu (namely DBFZ)
So true spit your shit
Would also be fun if he could spam his skills one after another so to speak
Since in character Zamasu is sitting on high and spamming BoJ/Lightning of Absolution/Divine Wrath one after another after another
To go back to this
I don't want Black to just play like "get to SSJ then you do 5x more DPS" like Goku
I want the power growth to feel gradual and distinct throughout the match like it is in the anime
He fights SSJ2 Goku and gets strong enough to scoff at Blue Vegeta in base, he gets pummeled by enraged Goku and immediately gets stronger from that, he gets pummeled by Vegeta and gets the scythe

Ultra Gogeta Awakened

⏱ Time remaining : 10
🛑 Players Limit : 5 Players
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But it's also risky but not too risky
Black is very emotional compared to Zamasu and he loves fights, but he is ultimately still pragmatic by nature and will take measures to ensure he cannot be defeated or circumvented
The prefix of this server is
So him going for fights in general rather than him only getting buffed by getting hit would fit more
I am not fighting bro
Ultra ego Gogeta yeah I’m good man
Nah I got this actually
We go.
We die together
@Moon voted to force start the raid !
Raid Cancelled since no player joined
Defender veku and fat Gotenks that slap their butt and forces all enemies to target them
I just put my super 17 concept and it got deleted cause it was a wall of text
I’m about to crash out

Take the screenshots instead
I’m done
This is actually pretty interesting
He seems like a DPS that's designed to duel and neuter other DPS with his attack debuffing and his absorption
I had a lot of fun coming up with it
Put chiaotzu in the game
Kibito Kai (Helper - Utility), he shortens players in his range recall ability to almost instant I guess 👥

ALRIGHT we have an area to theorize character stuff, right? I've got it.
So my idea for Tapion, pretty simple! Not sure how to go about it...
uuuhhhhh, what's our setup?
do i use a template or something or can i just type it out? how manyn umbers of skills can we use?
Eh, let's dive on in;
Hm, sorry, this concept feels all over the place-
wow, that's weird.
i haven't played the game so it's hard for met o come up with actual big boss concepts for characters, so instead? I'll try and talk about character ideas i LIKE.
Tapion in mind should be a technical character, someone able to be a hrelpful ally. He does this through Hero's Flute, which is... basically an ability that would let him protect himself and ANOTHER ally with a flute-based shield.
The purpose of the idea is very much implementing the character Tapion as a capable support character who can utilize his skills to hel pteams win, but ALSO remain as an independent character with some ability to push and force enemies with damag-related skills.
Let him use his brave sword slash, which lets ihm fire a barrage of ki slashes to hit the target. Let him use his brae sword strike, maybe make it into a low-level execute that kills an enemy under a certain level of health.
If you WANT to be wild? Let Tapion unseal Hirudegarn, whoyo uthen turn into, and make him a large tanky obstruction that players have to fight off.
Hit shouldn't use ki blasts. He should be a fun character, but not to the extent that it makes him 'easy'. Give him a crazy-strong engage, perhaps?
Let him use his malatov attack to MAYBE crush the enemy's defenses!
Nappa? He should be a strong guy, so what i'm thinking is sort of based off of how we saw him.
Nappa at first is extremely confdent and powerful, but he was worn down by the consistent struggles of the Z-Fighters, and then taken down by Goku...
For fun, Nappa here is an early game bully who pushes enemies around, but ultimately has the risk of falling off against other characters if he's not tended to.
Throw Turles into the game for the added benefit of him getting a stimulant boost.
He tarts off as a normal character, but he can trade more health in favor of using the fruit to boost the damage of any of his chosen attacks.
Sudden Storm as a spreadshot weapon that can eliminaet mions easy. Think Kai'Sa's Icathian Rain, for it's simpel bursty quality.
Kill Driver for a chargeable attack that travels a short distance.
Meteor Burst to punish and execute targets.
What about Ribrianne?
She's got qualities that i tihnk could make her either a ranged tanky character, or... just a ranged fairy mage type who spouts off her usual love mumbo jumbo and bombs you away?
Vegeta saiyan saga can make the ozaru appear faster with his moon creation.
W concept might have to make my baby concept
Jiren- tank
Passive- warriors resolve
If he gets damaged by a blast ability attack he gets an attack up and defense up
Transforms- level 7 and up

Top- tank
Passive- fierce leadership
If his teamates die he gets an increase of defense and a slight health recovery
Transforms- level 7 and up
Dyspo- technical
Passive- speed boost
He gains a speed boost every time he kills an enemy for a short period of time he shares the speed boost for assist kills
her passive can work similar to gohan (or maybe her passive can work specifically with a duo trunks)
ability q - a flash bang or a smoke bomb
ability e - can detect all enemies (gives sight in the jungle / reveals all clouds) for like 4 seconds
You should me thinks
Idk why but i think of her as a helper but she would be technicall for charecter ye
As a helper she'd be perfect over the farmer
We need a boss concept for certain maps
Like the great ape
Cell Max
Fatass janemba
Golden Great Ape Baby
Hirudegarn, Janempa, Great Ape Baby, Cell Max...
all the ones Moon aboe listed,
JUST for fun though?
Why don't we let one of the boss concepts be BLACK SMOKE SHENRON?
Or Porunga.
I feel like it's surprising that we didn't find a way to make Shenron into our 'epic monster'.
IF anything he is WAY too fitting as is.
And he has multiple variations who'd all be welcome for this kind of thing.
plus like...
a buff isn't anything but an upgrade or something to a character,
get creative, make it a "beat Shenron and he gives you a WISH." thing,
Ye that would be cool
Since there is battle passes maybe every season there is a theme and with that theme the map changes along with the bosses
Captain ginyu with a one time use body change ult
Guldo as a support to freeze enemies
Yamu helper to reduce your cool down and increase an enemy's cooldown
Spoppovich helper to steal health
Gohan (Youth) should be ssj and transform into ssj2 and he should get the FSK as his finisher effect. He should be a dmg unit but is able to take hits and should be a chasedown artist
hi? made a blueku to ui concept while the game was still up. i might drop it here if anyone wants it
if this is unbalanced then its fine; i was having fun with it
Google Docs
UI Goku Concept (DB: PM)
Super Saiyan Blue Goku Type of Unit: Premium (Premium Units are those that you end up summoning for using Dragon Gems (either Paid or Free).) Complexity: Significantly more complex than Zamasu Growth Type: Late Bloomer Role: Idk yet…? New Mechanic: Beam Clash Activates whenever two beams...
I reworked a lot of stuff since i didn’t like the wording of pm
That's a cool concept
Would be really cool if they change the charecters abilities if they transform
Since super sayen blue and ui are two different power levels of goku
when making it, i didnt rlly know if others made em; all I knew is I hated the wording that PM used