Page Content Missing

I migrated a website to Cloudflare pages in June, one page was working fine then shows as functional but this is what comes up. It worked for over a month then started this. This is an image of the page.
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16 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak37mo ago
What is the page? Did you do a deployment recently?
MillieMoo🐮OP7mo ago
URL is Deployment was June 6, this page was working fine then around August 1st it started this.
Cyb3r-Jak37mo ago
Does it work from the domain?
MillieMoo🐮OP7mo ago
No, I just tried to make sure. Same page comes up
Cyb3r-Jak37mo ago
Can you try a redeploy?
MillieMoo🐮OP7mo ago
I can, but not now at this moment. Would there be any other possible fixes? Thanks for replying to trying to help by the way. It’s much appreciated
Cyb3r-Jak37mo ago
I can't think of any errors from our side. If a redeploy doesn't work then will look to get support involved.
MillieMoo🐮OP7mo ago
Okay, I can’t try the redeploy until tomorrow. When I do, I will let you know if it worked. So I just redeployed, no change.
Cyb3r-Jak37mo ago
Can you share the output of the files for the upload? It will be under the deploy logs
MillieMoo🐮OP7mo ago
Is this what you are referring to?
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Chaika7mo ago
/pnp-manual/ doesn't exist, and you don't have a 404.html so it's going to index.html (spa behavior), and then all the assets you have are relatively links in the html source, ex: href="Home.css", so it's looking for them under the subpath of pnl-manual, ex: /pnp-manual/nicepage.css which obviously don't exist
Chaika7mo ago
if you need that path to work with your client-side rendered/spa app you'd need to make those relative asset urls prefixed with / like href="/Home.css" to start at root and not under current dir (also lowercasing everything is smart to avoid confusion since Pages is case sensitive). Otherwise did you maybe mean ?
MillieMoo🐮OP7mo ago
The page is supposed to have like 60+ links referring to the manual. The link you put goes to the home page, not the pnp manual. I don’t understand why it would work for over a month, then suddenly not? At first, in June, wasn’t working, but because I forgot to add the custom domain for it. At that time, worked. Then after almost 2 months, it didn’t anymore. I just added the custom domain because I realized that’s why it didn’t work, last week. I just redeployed the same zip file as I did in June, today.
Chaika7mo ago
Pages has Retention Cache for up to 14 days if you delete a page completely it could remain in cache for that long/look like it's still working on a new deployment even though it's gone. The file name should have been pnp-manual/index.html, you could go back through your deployments until you see that file
MillieMoo🐮OP7mo ago
That file is not in any of the deployments
Chaika7mo ago
well that eliminates any of the easy options it could have existed at your old web host (if you had one) and CF Cache would have kept it for a bit otherwise hopefully you have the raw file somewhere and can reupload

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