DNS Error - Help Please

Hi! I'm extremely new at this, so I'm sorry if my questions are too obvious. I really want to get this to work and learn in the process, so pretty please, bear with me.🙂 I've recently started building my website on Google Sites and bought my domain at Cloudflare. The initial set-up is pretty straightforward if you follow the instructions on Google Sites. It asks you to go to your DNS Settings and add a CNAME with the content ghs.googlehosted.com. This is as far as I got, But every time I try to visit my website (which is published even though is not finished yet) I get two errors; If I visit with www before the name I get a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS message; If I visit it without the www before the name I get the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. When I try to troubleshoot, I'm so out of my depth, that I'm scared of changing something I'm not supposed to. Is there a straightforward way to fix this? I really appreciate any help you can provide.
1 Reply
Chaika•7mo ago
I would boil it down to 3 things:
your DNS Settings and add a CNAME with the content ghs.googlehosted.com.
Make sure this is unproxied, as far as I know Google Sites just doesn't play well/work with Proxy
; If I visit with www before the name I get a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS message
Root cause is most likely SSL/TLS Mode being "Flexible" instead of Full (Strict), under SSL/TLS -> Overview. Would also be fixed by disabling proxy
; If I visit it without the www before the name I get the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
Add the same CNAME for www as well, add inside of Google Sites if needed (I think it adds both non-www and www by default though)

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