Zilech Agent Concept
Im new to the valorant art style, Ive only worked on overwatch heroes and here is just a little pen draft, any tips would be helpful 😼

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Here are his abilities
E (The Void): Zilch creates a glowing white circle on the ground. Anyone, whether an enemy or a teammate, who steps into this zone will temporarily lose their ability to see or hear anything. The Void remains active indefinitely, but it will disappear 3 seconds after someone steps into it.
C (Bright Step): Zilch can teleport (or "blink") to a spot on the map where his crosshair is aimed. However, to keep this ability balanced, the distance Zilch can teleport is limited.
Q (Blast to the Past): This is a hitscan ability that forces an enemy player to instantly return to the exact position they were in 3 seconds ago.
X (The Nothing): When Zilch activates this ultimate ability, any enemy player near him will only be able to see Zilch and a faint outline of their teammates (maximum of 2 players can get caught into The Nothing).