Cloudflare tunnel setup issue

I have the current config but am not sure where to find my Tunnel ID to properly configure it. below it is my config file.
tunnel: <TUNNEL_ID> # Replace <TUNNEL_ID> with your actual tunnel ID
credentials-file: /mypool/AppData/AppData/cloudflare/cert.pem

- hostname: # Replace with your actual hostname or subdomain
service: http://localhost:8080 # Replace with your service details (e.g., local IP and port)
- service: http_status:404
tunnel: <TUNNEL_ID> # Replace <TUNNEL_ID> with your actual tunnel ID
credentials-file: /mypool/AppData/AppData/cloudflare/cert.pem

- hostname: # Replace with your actual hostname or subdomain
service: http://localhost:8080 # Replace with your service details (e.g., local IP and port)
- service: http_status:404
1 Reply
Chaika7mo ago
cloudflared tunnel list or if you click on the name of the tunnel in the zero trust dash, the right side will show ID (if local tunnels are confusing use remote tunnels:, much easier to setup/all in gui)

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