Quick menu hotkey stopped working on only one gamepad
I stumbled upon a weird issue with opening quick menu in Gamemode (default shortcut is HOME + A). It suddenly stopped working on my new gamepad connected via bluetooth and it never fixed itself (multiple restarts and reconnects did not help). Can any dev help me? Is it possible to reset quick menu shorctuts to default or something similar? The gamepad is 8bitdo pro2 but I doubt that's important in this case.
17 Replies
Use the steam controller tester and press Xbox + A
Can you see it?
yes it works fine
buttons are fine, no issues there
it's only quick menu shortcut that is bugged. other shortcuts work fine, for example screenshot or volume up/down
I was so happy with the controller since it worked fine out of the box in switch mode (i need gyro for some games too). and after a week this wierd issue 😄 not a huge deal but I'm wondering what the hell happened with that specific shortcut and how to reset it
if steam can see them something is iffy
yeah, I also noticed that the binding changed on another controller but didn't pay much attention to it. thought it was changed in update. from home + a to home + b. it's definitely something strange with the os
you can show the shotcuts by holding one of the buttons in steam
the shortcuts are controlled by steam
i know about that, but still only quick settings doesnt work for one gamepad
seems like a steam os bug or bazzite issue
But you can see Xbox + a clearly on the controller tester
yes, the buttons are registered correctly the only issue is that quick settings is not opening
it's very strange
especially since it works on all other gamepads
and it worked on that one without issues, it just stopped all of a sudden
youre on an HTPC right?
on a desktop style computer
its a switch style controller
it's in switch mdoe
steam preselects nintendo layout on those
but i tried xinput mode and it's bugged there too
so its xbox + b
no i tried both, still doesn't work
i tried every shortcut possible
only quick settings wont open
that sucks
try resetting the layout in steam settings
tried... also deleted config file for gamepads 😄
no luk
I guess without resetting shortcut bindings directly there's no fix
thanks for trying to help
Np, I'll keep this in mind
Every bug report helps
Eventually we find solutions for this stuff