Goku Discussion

Just want a spot where all resident Goku mains can communicate about the character 👍
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Davy4w ago
Starting to main goku now, will update on findings lmao trying out divine card combos in random games snowball is a need really cause of the potential you get with dmg prepare to die seems to be better cause goku isn't much of a nuke character in the beginning but you can do giant for big damage later on in the game pursuer is good but once again, with giant you wont really land 2 skills to use it unless in team fights cause enemy is dead unless it can be 2 different enemies to hit the skills with then its really good also just for chasing in general if you wanna confirm kills the green cards aren't really worth it sneak attack is quite good in my experience, cause it allows you to use two of your jump attacks almost back to back when initiating which causes massive wide damage sorry if this aint what you intended this chat for lmao giving sneak attack to max level kamehameha is 2 of em right after eachother
TerrorByte4w ago
Davy4w ago
TLDR for my stuff so far snowball prepare to die for sustain fights (kamehameha build ig) or giant (for nuke damage with your jump attacks) sneak attack is good for both builds as it allows a good spam towards abilties
altaz4w ago
I kinda agree with you, but I think steel skin is pretty damn good for Goku. Snowball I think is obviously one of the BEST cards you can pick in this game for anyone, you just get so much out of it. But, with my like 25ish hours of playing Goku, I’m starting to find out that giant slayer or prepare to die doesn’t do too much for him. Snowball already gives him good damage, but what Goku really needs is sustainability. Steel skin gives him that, and it’s actually pretty noticeable. Third card I always think you go for pursuer, it gives spirit bomb more damage and even tho kamehameha is ASS at low lvls, paired with vegeta photon bomb its deadly. I do want to try out your sneak attack method though, I was also thinking about that in my head Oh I meant to add too, the ability you get after red red green is really good too. More attack and damage for fights is really really good for him
Davy4w ago
if you wanna try sneak attack, the better method is with the jump attack jump attack, kaikoen, then it cuts the CD down to like 2secs, and you can use it again after maybe with your inputs, the best build may be snowball, steel skin and sneak attack / perseur. My main argument is if you're playing goku as a solo, or as a team. As a team persuer is better as you can follow up on already damaged enemies with comms easier to confirm kills however with sneak attack you can play in your own way better
altaz4w ago
Yeah pursuer is just amazing on him man. I really wanna see sneak attack in action though. I’m still trying cards out with him because I don’t think any one card is bad, more so every single one is situational which I think is great for the game
Davy4w ago
Oh yeah the kind of builds you can have is insanely versatile. Which makes it so technically everyone can have their own unique playstyle or build In a game rn going to try out the builds combined, I'll let you know how well snowball, steel skin, and sneak attack goes prioritizing.. I guess jump with this
JB4w ago
this is interesting cuz ion got divine cards unlocked yet
altaz4w ago
Sweet appreciate it homie You gotta hit D4 for it!
JB4w ago
Oh man I’m at e1 for attacker Since I don’t rlly play the game much E3 in general
altaz4w ago
Yeah it’s role specific If you want cards for attacker, you gotta grind it out
Davy4w ago
update Definitely notice the survivability with steel skin, great shout on that part sneak attack does work well with survivability too actually as if you do jump attack it DOES allow you to play more aggressively so you can take more risky plays snowball, steel skin and sneak attack is pretty peak did the same build again, so much fun
altaz4w ago
I see I will be trying This is why I made this, GOKUS RISEEE
Davy4w ago
Upgrade path is basically max jump, then kaio, then 1 lvl into kame and then you can max spirit so max jump then kaio, then spirit then kam
altaz4w ago
That’s what I do too You know the method
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