Goku Discussion

Just want a spot where all resident Goku mains can communicate about the character 👍
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317 Replies
Davy7mo ago
Starting to main goku now, will update on findings lmao trying out divine card combos in random games snowball is a need really cause of the potential you get with dmg prepare to die seems to be better cause goku isn't much of a nuke character in the beginning but you can do giant for big damage later on in the game pursuer is good but once again, with giant you wont really land 2 skills to use it unless in team fights cause enemy is dead unless it can be 2 different enemies to hit the skills with then its really good also just for chasing in general if you wanna confirm kills the green cards aren't really worth it sneak attack is quite good in my experience, cause it allows you to use two of your jump attacks almost back to back when initiating which causes massive wide damage sorry if this aint what you intended this chat for lmao giving sneak attack to max level kamehameha is 2 of em right after eachother
TerrorByte7mo ago
Davy7mo ago
TLDR for my stuff so far snowball prepare to die for sustain fights (kamehameha build ig) or giant (for nuke damage with your jump attacks) sneak attack is good for both builds as it allows a good spam towards abilties
altazOP7mo ago
I kinda agree with you, but I think steel skin is pretty damn good for Goku. Snowball I think is obviously one of the BEST cards you can pick in this game for anyone, you just get so much out of it. But, with my like 25ish hours of playing Goku, I’m starting to find out that giant slayer or prepare to die doesn’t do too much for him. Snowball already gives him good damage, but what Goku really needs is sustainability. Steel skin gives him that, and it’s actually pretty noticeable. Third card I always think you go for pursuer, it gives spirit bomb more damage and even tho kamehameha is ASS at low lvls, paired with vegeta photon bomb its deadly. I do want to try out your sneak attack method though, I was also thinking about that in my head Oh I meant to add too, the ability you get after red red green is really good too. More attack and damage for fights is really really good for him
Davy7mo ago
if you wanna try sneak attack, the better method is with the jump attack jump attack, kaikoen, then it cuts the CD down to like 2secs, and you can use it again after maybe with your inputs, the best build may be snowball, steel skin and sneak attack / perseur. My main argument is if you're playing goku as a solo, or as a team. As a team persuer is better as you can follow up on already damaged enemies with comms easier to confirm kills however with sneak attack you can play in your own way better
altazOP7mo ago
Yeah pursuer is just amazing on him man. I really wanna see sneak attack in action though. I’m still trying cards out with him because I don’t think any one card is bad, more so every single one is situational which I think is great for the game
Davy7mo ago
Oh yeah the kind of builds you can have is insanely versatile. Which makes it so technically everyone can have their own unique playstyle or build In a game rn going to try out the builds combined, I'll let you know how well snowball, steel skin, and sneak attack goes prioritizing.. I guess jump with this
JB7mo ago
this is interesting cuz ion got divine cards unlocked yet
altazOP7mo ago
Sweet appreciate it homie You gotta hit D4 for it!
JB7mo ago
Oh man I’m at e1 for attacker Since I don’t rlly play the game much E3 in general
altazOP7mo ago
Yeah it’s role specific If you want cards for attacker, you gotta grind it out
Davy7mo ago
update Definitely notice the survivability with steel skin, great shout on that part sneak attack does work well with survivability too actually as if you do jump attack it DOES allow you to play more aggressively so you can take more risky plays snowball, steel skin and sneak attack is pretty peak did the same build again, so much fun
altazOP7mo ago
I see I will be trying This is why I made this, GOKUS RISEEE
Davy7mo ago
Upgrade path is basically max jump, then kaio, then 1 lvl into kame and then you can max spirit so max jump then kaio, then spirit then kam
altazOP7mo ago
That’s what I do too You know the method
Davy7mo ago
TLDR for all this for people just joining in Divine card loadout rn: snowball (obvious) steel skin (much needed survivability) sneak attack / purseur (sneak attack for more solo playing or holding a lane, persuer for team play) Upgrade path: max out jump + kaio, then max spirit and then start kame HOWEVER if you're doing purs, it may be better to max kame first then kaio, spirit and then jump
TerrorByte7mo ago
I mostly play technical but imma give this a try, thanks for all the info :PPNoted:
Davy7mo ago
you are welcome :D I am by no means a good goku tho lmao like I'm a B4 goku if only we had true goku players in here man :sadge:
TerrorByte7mo ago
tried the build and it feels a lot better than running 3 red
Davy7mo ago
did you use sneak attack or perseur?
altazOP7mo ago
That’s what I’m saying man the difference you get is INSANEEE plus that passive That 2 red and 1 green give you So fire
メリオダス7mo ago
Really jump before kamehameha?
Davy7mo ago
if you're doing sneak
TerrorByte7mo ago
Goku's early game is miserable ngl :KeKW: but he's quite a fun character with the kaioken loops
Davy7mo ago
runnin max jump and kaio you just wipe lanes atleast in my experience lmao
TerrorByte7mo ago
so far I've had better result with kamehameha but secure with jump is really nice
Davy7mo ago
main reason I don't max kame first is cause of early game lmao
TerrorByte7mo ago
it's like swinging around a pencil made of concrete
Davy7mo ago
I use jump as an engagement tool 😂 jump into like two people, use kaio, then with sneak you can just jump again, use kaio and then use spirit probs
TerrorByte7mo ago
I use jump to steal shit :lmfsljkljmlfdafjjljf: I do use it to engage or finish of a fleeing enemy but when an objective comes up if there's no piccolo I'm robbing
Davy7mo ago
aaah fair
TerrorByte7mo ago
any tips for fighting Android 18s with this character?
Davy7mo ago
tips to fighting 18 as goku is tricky as goku going against 18 isn't really in your favor, but in a 1v1 scenario I could suggest like, running away firstly but if you cant, then try make them use their cooldowns as much as you can, jump around them and not on top of them but if you have kamehameha, jump away from them and have them come to you and use kame to then blast them down as much as you can if they're silly they will just run right through the jame
TerrorByte7mo ago
Yeah I've been tryna do that but I still just end up dying despite it being very close can't really rely on bots to help so I need to find some type of counterplay lmao
メリオダス7mo ago
Question What does lvling up kaioken do?
TerrorByte7mo ago
damage too from what I've played
Paradise7mo ago
So do you hold off on unlocking ult until you've maxed out both jump & kaio? or do you send a level into that in the midst of the rest of the levels
Davy7mo ago
basically max jump & kaio if you are planning on making your own plays use sneak attack wait no wrong thing lmao max jump + kaio, then spirit but you cant put a lvl into spirit at like level 8 so you have to put one into kame then lvl 2 spirit at 9 and lvl 3 at 11 you basically have max jump and kaio at like 10, and then for 11 you get max spirit if done effectively you CAN get all 3 max before ape I believe yh leveling up kaioken makes you do more damage and speed, I also think it gives more damage to your abilities that uses kaio, so more damage on upgraded kame and spirit bomb etc
Paradise7mo ago
🫡 looking for more of a team build, but jump and kaio seems like the best way to be playing bro?
Davy7mo ago
if you want a team build go persuer and kame so max kame, then kaio, 1 lvl into jump then spirit maxing jump is if you wanna play yourself and like win 1v1s or take fights maxing kame is if you wanna keep space or combo with your team
Paradise7mo ago
🤔 🤔 big thank
メリオダス7mo ago
Got 28k dmg with that build Pretty good
Davy7mo ago
which one? @altazwe have built a giga goku lmao
altazOP7mo ago
メリオダス7mo ago
Snowball steel sneak
Davy7mo ago
did you max jump or use kame?
Eli Ravioli
Eli Ravioli7mo ago
max jump
メリオダス7mo ago
Davy7mo ago
aah fair hope this chat serves many well lmao
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
hi 👋 i main goku (for now) and i'd like to preach about upgrading kaioken for damage reasons https://discord.com/channels/1252475516993142824/1252475517886664850/1277243826389516401 (the blue text is a link to a message that compares the damage of max kamehameha and kaioken) and i like the double vanish card on goku
Davy7mo ago
double vanish is a interesting choice, do you use that for chase?
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
helps me chase but mainly use it defensively because goku isn't tanky
Davy7mo ago
aah fair with experience taking steel skin makes it infinitely more tanky its crazy, if you stack also go with your tank and have them run guardian angel it helps significantly in their survivability
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i'll try that tomorrow
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
also this seems like it’s made for kaioken will test this tomorrow as well if i don’t forget
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wy 0
wy 07mo ago
usually i get trinity force
Davy7mo ago
the build here rn is uhh snowball steel skin sneak attack
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i use the card that gives you defense when killing monsters (because i use the afk farming strat since i play soloq), the giant slayer card and double vanish
Davy7mo ago
aaah I think that's build ip so you do build up giant slayer double vanish (something like, fairwell guys that)
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
but it's not really afk farming because i do ganks sometimes
Davy7mo ago
So you kind of stay back with your goku playstyle instead of getting into the fights>?
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
like i gank top at level 2 after clearing the bot lane monsters because the jungle monsters haven't spawned yet and that's easier than relying on my bot team mate for me i kind of jungle until great ape spawns
Davy7mo ago
aaah okay
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
but it's not my strat i copied it from the method person in discord but i don't think they gank
Davy7mo ago
I mean if you win games, whatever works haha
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
or use my upgrade order and cards yeah don't know if it will work when i face a good 4stack
Davy7mo ago
so far the build in this chat is for more aggressive goku playstyle so maybe a more like survival POV for goku could be a good thing to add into it
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
maybe a ganking vegeta would work as well because he has a lot of cc
Davy7mo ago
that could be funny
uneven6587mo ago
I see a chadded discussion thread Talking about my goat Goku main talk about the card plz I only ever auto Cuz I couldn’t care to read everything :PepeLaugh:
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
uneven6587mo ago
Oh ok Lemme just copy that rn So it’s Roshi green,janemba red and goku blue
uneven6587mo ago
And u get this at the end?
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uneven6587mo ago
My auto just pick all red every game :4a895a266df54660bace19cd65eb8eaf:
Davy7mo ago
lol 2 builds in this chat rn tbf other build is snowball steel skin sneak attack
takethel7mo ago
Hear me out Full green goku :trunkscool:
Davy7mo ago
that's a HOT take bro but would be so funny imagine trying to kill this goku and bro just refuses to die
Lamszy7mo ago
@altaz <3
altazOP7mo ago
Davy7mo ago
Lamszy7mo ago
I've been nice to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
altazOP7mo ago
Keep it this way please. Hey…..
JB7mo ago
What’s the best divine card setup 🙏 Speaking of em I don’t even know how to equip them 😭
メリオダス7mo ago
Are u d rank
JB7mo ago
Yea I just found out I’ve had it on auto this entire time so I just checked the build
メリオダス7mo ago
Oh yeah Auto sucks
Jad7mo ago
You want Manual on both Cards and Skills because auto cards just dumps in a jank card build and auto skills doesn't max any of your abilities until as late as possible.
Instinct7mo ago
I do not understand first kaioken then jump/kamehameha...how people are managing to do it after?
Davy7mo ago
Instinct7mo ago
you first kaioken and then kamehameha / jump attack? or vice versa as vice versa it is not letting me
Davy7mo ago
you jump then kaio or kame and then kaio to boost
Instinct7mo ago
How lol
Davy7mo ago
you need atleast 1 thing in kaio and jump
Instinct7mo ago
when I kamehameha, the kaioken is unusable till kamehameha is done
Davy7mo ago
use the abilities one after another, you will see when you jump a green ring around the kaio or a bar on your char to see activation I think the window is quite small so use jump then spam kaio
Instinct7mo ago
Even with others like spirit bomb and kamehamea?
Davy7mo ago
yes use the ability then spam kaio, with the jump attack you will see a second burst and kaio will be active kame the beam will get bigger do more damage and a voice line will play spirit bomb is hard as hell to notice I think but also with spirit I think you ahve to use kaio BEFORE using spirit instead of after? oh during the activation you can use kaio
uneven6587mo ago
Idk if it is bugged but I can never do it For spirit bomb I have no problem with other skills Btw instead of double vanish I am using this on goku more
uneven6587mo ago
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uneven6587mo ago
Just from reading it should have 100% up time yes? I pick snowball if it looks like I am winning but if it is even or losing a bit I just go green roshi
Davy7mo ago
double vanish?
uneven6587mo ago
The blue goku card I call it double vanish
Davy7mo ago
I say sneak attack
uneven6587mo ago
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Davy7mo ago
atleast I build sneak attack snowball, roshi and sneak attack
uneven6587mo ago
I go Card 1:Snowball/roshi Card 2:Janemba/jiren Card 3:Purseur If I get red on c1 I get green on c2 Vice versa But yea I believe this should have a 100% up time? Judging from what it says 7.5 then activate again after 7.5
uneven6587mo ago
I just read what sneak attack do @Davy
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uneven6587mo ago
Can u tell me How long is the cd if it is activated? The kame cd Sucks that it doesn’t say any specific number or percentage so I can’t tell by reading
Davy7mo ago
uhh kame if you hit it goes from 12 to 5 it halfs the cooldown of ability used I cannot confirm directly but cooldowns are not 7.5 seconds between abilties
takethel7mo ago
Embrace the full green goku
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
okay i tested it
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
here is the triforce build for comparison
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
this card is not worth it 🙅‍♂️❌
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メリオダス7mo ago
No Kamehameha is 9 seconds with sneak
Davy7mo ago
wha guess trinity force does do something afterall
altazOP7mo ago
Trinity force on Goku is fire dude I notice such a difference with it I’m really glad we came up with that build in here it makes Goku actually competent
Davy7mo ago
which build in the end? snowball, steel, sneak attack? If you can its updated now to lightning strike, IF you dash before hitting, you get like a 2x damage increase at times its ridiculous damage potential
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i'll test out the cooldown reduction from trinity and the damage difference! because someone in #💬english said that trinity is bad
Davy7mo ago
trinity is bad due to the uhh, cooldown reduc its not much but combining trinity with sneak attack they stack to produce an ungodly amount of cooldown reduct so
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i forgot that i already had a comparison 12 second kamehameha cooldown here 11.6 cooldown here 😭 that's 3.33% the damage differense is good tho (and i assume the defense differense is good as well
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
maybe these are better but i don’t feel like testing rn
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wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i wish they just told us the percentages this ambiguous wording is bs i'm not gonna test it anymore because it's just a beta
Davy7mo ago
those are like for tank builds in taking damage
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
this one could be interesting
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wy 0
wy 07mo ago
but maybe i should just keep using trinity for the attack and defense boost if only i knew what the percentages of these were can someone like contact a dev and ask them
altazOP7mo ago
It’s during a rush attack though, very specific
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i high key hate this rune system give me wild rift runes
Davy7mo ago
trinity is best for normal goku game if you wanna be more damage heavy, go for.. I guess giant actually for more burst damage in beginning of fights
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i don’t really like trinity because the cooldown reduction isn’t as much as i thought it was and i don’t know how much it increases your stats i love this build makes it impossible to escape because if your movementspeed and if you're in a bad situation you can double vanish and the snowball and giant slayer damage help out i'll try to record a good clip
altazOP7mo ago
I see I see
uneven6587mo ago
I still think two red and green is better (I haven’t tested the cd thing yet tho so don’t mind me)
uneven6587mo ago
Gapped a goku yesterday with two red and blue
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wy 0
wy 07mo ago
don't need defense if you kill them first and can double vanish
uneven6587mo ago
The defense saved me honestly Enemy got ape and try to rush I still killed one and left with like a little bar
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
and the purple card for 2 red 1 green is ass on goku
uneven6587mo ago
I can clip the moment the enemy goku is a streamer I literally lived with a little bar after killing 18 Which made me able to defend
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
you could kill her faster with the other build don't underestimate rush attack damage
uneven6587mo ago
Hmm Thing was I think I wouldn’t have lived without the defense It was a teamfight I never fight her 1v1 hahaha
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
nice matchup btw lol with my playstyle i get very fed so i don't get killed easily
uneven6587mo ago
I mean I didn’t die either hahaha Lemme clip the moment U will see what I meant by living with a little hp Nvm @wy 0 his screen didn’t show my hp If only the game has replay system I can show u hahaha
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
the blue goku skin makes me feel so sigma btw i'm going back to the great ape card strat get the great ape card->swap it after killing the great ape for giant slayer
Lamszy7mo ago
Lamszy7mo ago
This you?
uneven6587mo ago
How much More dmg does it give? Have u test the spirit bomb dmg on that Normally it does a whole bar only
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
uneven6587mo ago
Sounds like a good time to face bots
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i haven't played against one that uses the ult on bosses yet sheesh imagine combining that with a goku ult 3 bars
altazOP7mo ago
Okay bro.
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i tried it does slightly less than 1.5 bars (and lost the ape because of that) i think it's like 1.3-1.4
uneven6587mo ago
Noted This way I can spirit bomb starting from the 2nd bar
igloo7mo ago
can someone give me the sparknotes guide on how to play goku i've been mostly playing tank/support lol
uneven6587mo ago
I go this route Level 1 slam>level 1 kaioken>max kame>max slam Just try to last hit with slam and farm as much as possible
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
you're missing out on a lot of damage by not maxing kaioken
uneven6587mo ago
U max it last really The slam range and Kame range is needed for fights
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
do you want to see the damage comparison clips? you only need 2 points in it imo
uneven6587mo ago
It’s not the dmg it’s the range But sure U can show The range alone makes maxing those worth
メリオダス7mo ago
In what?
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
https://discord.com/channels/1252475516993142824/1252475517886664850/1277243826389516401 in kamehameha after putting 2 points into that i max kaioken then max hammer jump
uneven6587mo ago
Saw it
メリオダス7mo ago
I disagree then
uneven6587mo ago
I still disagree
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
uneven6587mo ago
The range is really needed to fight long range if need
メリオダス7mo ago
I agree
uneven6587mo ago
U need to kinda distance yourself if you are fighting stuff like 18
メリオダス7mo ago
The range is such a game changer
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
at the max range it deals 0 damage anyway if you max kaioken you can kill people easier
メリオダス7mo ago
I literally killed 4 ppl because of the insane range
uneven6587mo ago
Not really but you don’t always throw it at max range The point is to kite And chip He got one of the best kite with that range But u2u
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
with an 11 second cooldown?
uneven6587mo ago
Fight just don’t happen instantly all the time Kiting is good Even if it did u are fighting range while enemy like 18 will be on like front U got hp advantage and can go aggro later
Davy7mo ago
I'm trying out lvl 2 in all but 3 in spirit just prioritising jump so lvl 3 in jump, 2 in kame, 3 in kaio, 3 in spirit
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
that's what i usually do
uneven6587mo ago
Anyone here tested the difference between first green card and second green card The farm and steel Why can’t this game just give us percentages :trollskull:
altazOP7mo ago
Steel seems a whole lot better From what I’ve used It just FEELS better to use
7mo ago
@altaz which cards do you use
altazOP7mo ago
for Goatku? Super snowball, steelskin, pursuer
7mo ago
Thank you gang
uneven6587mo ago
Ay goated build I use the same Only time I switch is when game looks like losing early :4a895a266df54660bace19cd65eb8eaf:
Davy7mo ago
I use flash, steel, limit jump
altazOP7mo ago
Momoko7mo ago
First time looking in here. Pretty interesting ideas. Is Kaioken really that potent? When I first started playing, I usually maxed it out but I felt like the defense reduction made staying in lane harder So here's what I've been doing recently Get level 1 in all skills, then max Slam > Kamehameha > Spirit The cards I'd get are Flash, Giant and Pursuer I usually start an encounter with slam, then flash and instantly Kaioken Kamehameha X4 so all my cards proc Though, I've been double stacking with my wife who plays a lot of Zamasu and Majin Buu, so I usually have her taking the attention for me or straight up healing me And then I just obliterate them as quickly as possible so I can stay in lane longer. I feel like this kind of setup is really strong late game. Thoughts?
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
maxing kaioken gives you the most damage i can show you the testing clips if you want
Momoko7mo ago
I think I saw them? Is the ones with the Kamehameha?
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
Momoko7mo ago
I saw those and I can't dispute that it's a lot of damage, but the path to get there I feel is a little rougher, no? When you slam, flash and then Kamehameha, you get a ton of damage still and you get the activation of all 3 cards Not to mention the overwhelming power passive Your overall kit becomes stronger in general This is something that needs a more complex comparisons across multiple games, I feel Though maybe I should run super snowball if my concern is really about lane sustain... Wait, you can switch cards mid game Ok next time I play I will try a new strategy and share with you guys Start out with flash, leave after and an encounter and come back with snowball after they're weakened or have burned their ult
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
wdym activation of all three cards but you can play the game however you want i'm not gonna judge you
Momoko7mo ago
All three cards. You hit them with flash, giant killer is active if you're starting the encounter, and pursuer will activate from your slam and Kamehameha
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
going 3 reds makes you weak defensively i prefered 2 red and double vanish when i played goku
Momoko7mo ago
Yeah and that's why I also mentioned that I double stack a lot, so I do 3 red a lot
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
and you can still do that with kaioken max and it will result in more damage because kaioken buffs all of your abilities while maxing kamehameha only increases the range
Momoko7mo ago
With a tank or Majin Buu soaking damage or healing, I don't usually have to deal with that
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
Momoko7mo ago
With three red, the setup pretty much kills them when I get the jump on them And I don't die much even solo, since Kaioken gives a speed boost still even at level one So I can teleport, jump away and then Kaioken to get out of danger I'll have to show some results when I get the chance
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i play android 18 because she deals way more damage than goku and doesn't need to rely on double vanish for surviving
Momoko7mo ago
I can usually escape without it tbh Jump, vanish and then Kaioken is usually enough If you've committed to a fight with those skills it can be hard So that's why I ensure that if I start an encounter, SOMEONE is going to die from my skill combo
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
what if they don't
Momoko7mo ago
Then they're Zamasu and I jumped in like an idiot lol Sometimes I have to delay the combo by rushing first, if they have the barrier card But since I have giant killer and Goku has decent HP naturally, I use flash and pursuer and I start winning the encounter eventually And if they try to get away... Pursuer lol
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
that sounds great for killing 1 person but kamehameha has a pretty long cooldown so good luck with killing multiple people
Momoko7mo ago
I feel it's better to know when and when not to go on with your skills. You may need them to escape, depending on how your other laner is doing It's not one person though. Slam and Kamehameha are huge when maxed, which is why I max them And this is a team game. If I'm fighting, I have someone with me. I've instantly killed one person and damaged the rest of them greatly. We now have more numbers and better chances than them
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
the only time when a lot of enemies line up for me is when they're at the dragon shell
Momoko7mo ago
And if I'm fighting alone against multiple people, I'm in the wrong place
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
wish i didn't get bots on my team all the time xdd
Momoko7mo ago
How? It should almost always be 2 v 2
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i mean 3 or more
Momoko7mo ago
Nah fr I get that 3 or more yeah but even hitting two is fine Because if it's 2 v 2 and I've killed one, it's now 2 v 1
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
and most of the time they're not close so it doesn't deal that much damage
Momoko7mo ago
And the only way they make a comeback from that is like, if they're 3 def card Zamasu lol
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
playing with humans is a completely different game lol
Momoko7mo ago
But at that point in the game, a lot of big team fights are happening over ape and like, the last two GoDs on both sides
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
but i guess you can line them up easily if you have a human vegeta
Momoko7mo ago
Bro I had a Cooler teammate that was worse than a bot he literally left our lane and did not come back the whole time, not even for the bosses Sometimes the bots are better because even just having another body makes this viable Because if they're at least there to take damage that would've been aimed at you, they're helping But tbh, I've won even 2 v 1s with this build sometimes Giant killer will activate regardless. I've killed one person with my Kamehameha instantly, and now the other person is damaged. If this is the start of the encounter, I can't have taken that much damage yet So I can start wailing on them with rush that's empowered by giant killer At that point, if they want to win they'll have to use everything to kill me before I kill them Because my Slam WILL come back eventually. And I'll be able to use flash and Kaioken again soon
Davy7mo ago
when I play goku I just do the same builds depending on who I'm up against normally just do flash, steel, double dash but if I can be more damage orientated flash, steel, persuer
Momoko7mo ago
I guess I haven't really put defense on Goku before. I'll give flash steel pursuer a try sometime
uneven6587mo ago
Defense is a game changer Goku got enough dmg as it is
Momoko7mo ago
Idk I felt like a needed more DMG when fighting characters like 18 or Zamasu Kill 18 before she kills anyone and get rid of tanks faster When I get home I'll post a bunch of results Though they'll have to be taken with a grain a salt because there was always at least two bots somewhere Mostly humans
uneven6587mo ago
I had a lot of moments where 18 didn’t kill me cuz I had steel If u really want 3 dmg U need botamo
Momoko7mo ago
uneven6587mo ago
Use botamo
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
if an 18 doesn't kill you it's probably because of their mistakes instead of your build/good plays
uneven6587mo ago
And make sure u use HIM ONLY
Momoko7mo ago
I always run botamo
uneven6587mo ago
When 18 try to flank u
Momoko7mo ago
Literally always run botamo
uneven6587mo ago
I played against one of the better 18s He’s in this server Not gonna say names
Momoko7mo ago
Yeah that'll help me survive against 18
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
what level where they?
uneven6587mo ago
Momoko7mo ago
But what about my teammates?
uneven6587mo ago
Oh level We were about same
Momoko7mo ago
Like the 18 on my team?
uneven6587mo ago
Like same At end game I went 13 and he was 12 but the moment we fight it was 12 and 12 What about them?
Momoko7mo ago
My aim is take out threats to our team and 18 deals too much damage so if she aims for someone else I want her gone ASAP Like if she aims for Majin Buu or my 18
uneven6587mo ago
Best way is to Let your tank deal with Your tank intiate against 18 and u follow up
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i mean when i play 18 i can kill anyone if i have my ult
Momoko7mo ago
That's for sure more optimal, but with the way this game is set up in this 2 v 2 type way, I'm not always with the tank
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
unless it's early game
uneven6587mo ago
We can argue but I played against one of the best 18 so I am basing it off on that
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
uneven6587mo ago
If u are NA would’ve love to lane Not saying u bad just wanna see what u do with her
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i'm not na but i can set my server to it and try to play with lag sometimes i dip lane to farm minions never played with a team tbh or i can record clips
Momoko7mo ago
18 is very much a show up, kill someone and then leave type of play style She dies quick so she gotta get out quick
uneven6587mo ago
This is one of her disadvantages Same with piccolo
Momoko7mo ago
And that's why I try to just go crazy on damage
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
will probably do that and @ you when i get the motivation to play more
uneven6587mo ago
But both of them have good character kit to make up for it Funny enough goku is tankier than them due to transformation :4a895a266df54660bace19cd65eb8eaf:
Momoko7mo ago
Goku has inherently better HP than her. If she can do so well with such little defense, Goku can too And he has bigger moves which makes him even more of a team player My gameplay entirely revolves around fighting with my team
uneven6587mo ago
Goku also rotate and farm better He has kaioken to go from one to another
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
goku doesn't have as many dashes and as much burst damage
uneven6587mo ago
Sometimes I don’t use the slam kaio or kame kaio so I can use it to rotate jungle path Take it from someone that has never been in farm behind before Except in losing games but I still get back up In equal games I never lose in farm
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
or i can record an entire game and upload it to yt to bypass the discord file size limit
Momoko7mo ago
Kaioken level 1, teleport and jump are more than enough to get out And the burst comes from the card setup I mentioned earlier The only ones who don't instantly die to me are tanks. If they have a defensive card like shield it takes like a second longer because I have to delay the combo, but after that they die faster because of giant slayer For now I'll stop talking about it and just post pics later. My words won't mean much unless I show something
uneven6587mo ago
This is true Tele jump to kaioken Or jump tele kaio If u use jump tho better hope they don’t have vegeta trap
Momoko7mo ago
Oh if I'm that deep in to get trapped, I've probably already killed someone and have hit Vegeta already, so I'm gonna use what's left of my giant slayer and let my team clean up the rest lol But I'm usually double stacked with a Majin Buu so I should actually be able to just live Speaking of that though, I could have her just ult the tank and take them out of the equation entirely while I kill the rest
uneven6587mo ago
This is just my opinion It’s better for goku to go bottom rather than top Some people play tank top but most play bottom tank After nappa with a tank u can ditch your own tank to farm your entire side of map farm
Momoko7mo ago
Yeah I do both lanes with Goku, depending on who she picks
uneven6587mo ago
With a support they not as tanky so it’s harder on them The two robots Are worth two Kai’s I can show u the rotation
Momoko7mo ago
If she picks Zamasu we go bot If she picks Buu we go top So our setup is usually good And that's the thing about how this setup is If I can already instantly kill one of the enemy laners, we can just win the 2 v 1
uneven6587mo ago
Look at the mini map
uneven6587mo ago
No description
uneven6587mo ago
(I took this from a yt video) Idk why he blocked his own map So just imagine you are red side ok?
Momoko7mo ago
Yea ik the robots Basically this games jungle
uneven6587mo ago
I’ll show u the path
Momoko7mo ago
More spawn as you lose more towers They become Kais in those little spots late game
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
streamers do that if they don't want to get sniped but don't know if it's important in db moba
uneven6587mo ago
Do u get what I am trying to say
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uneven6587mo ago
It’s a yt video not a stream that’s why am confused But main point is
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
he could be streaming and uploading matches from his stream to yt afterwards
uneven6587mo ago
U know what I mean right, The arrow means the direction u go If u go like that u will be back to bottom with that pathing That’s how I outfarm everyone Only do this after nappa tho Before it’s not worth
Momoko7mo ago
Yeah, I do see. I would do this when she plays Zamasu. It may even be the best strategy I can see rn. If we had a thirs reliable player to play tank while she plays Buu, that'd be super optimal But we don't really have that and our games get bots still. I feel it better for us to combo and dominate or lane so we can deal GoD damage early and ensure we can steal ape by killing our enemy laners quick But not all supports need to go bot I feel like Krillin does better top And don't kills give a decent amount of EXP? I never actually compared the amount you get
uneven6587mo ago
I am glad you can see the vision To me it’s the best strategy to It never failed to make me outfarm As for buu and killing Krillin* It depends on if u want early game or late Buu early can make u play aggro due to his healing Krillin utilities are better and he has a great last hit ult I prefer Krillin I feel like buu late game is mid except for a good timed ult Krillin late utility still good and he has dmg on top of that Compared to buu
Momoko7mo ago
I love going top lane with Krillin because he ensures that my opponents die when I don't have pursuer yet
uneven6587mo ago
Well Krillin has dmg Buu is more of trying to make the attacker a raid boss
Momoko7mo ago
He's got it all really
uneven6587mo ago
Healing them constantly and annoy enemy with utilities
Momoko7mo ago
Being able to have Krillin and two damage roles is crazy Really I just love any laner that lets me go do whatever I want Buu let's me stay in lane forever. I don't have to babysit Zamasu so I could go farm
uneven6587mo ago
Vegeta can too but he has to play extra safe I always tell them to play safe
Momoko7mo ago
And Krillin is literally just free space I've 2 v 1'd in top lane as Krillin before lmfao
uneven6587mo ago
Whenever I dip them
Momoko7mo ago
Against two people, not even bots So if I have a good Krillin as Goku I would just roam and farm and kill
uneven6587mo ago
Goku best partner is vegeta imo(I am not sure about gohan yet) Krillin is great too I don’t like him with buu tho 18 plays far better with buu
Momoko7mo ago
Vegeta for sure
uneven6587mo ago
Vegeta skill synergize with him so much
Momoko7mo ago
Haven't got to play with him much though since she loves Zamasu lmao
uneven6587mo ago
Zamasu is aight
Momoko7mo ago
But the photon blast slam combo is insane
uneven6587mo ago
At least u can expect him to not die :trunkscool:
Momoko7mo ago
Yeah so you can leave him alone lol Literally just an obstacle Part of the map :ICANT:
uneven6587mo ago
That’s why u gotta ignore that mf Everytime I see zamasu Nope I just run circles around him Trying to last hit kai only :4a895a266df54660bace19cd65eb8eaf: That dude can wait till late game before I will consider fighting
Momoko7mo ago
That's why I like having her ult Zamasu as Buu Literally just take him out of the fight. He's a wall to soak damage Kill him last This isn't really a strategy we do because it's the most optimal. It's something we developed because of the characters we like to play. Well, not like we really know what's optimal lol
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
but i'm grinding dokkan at the moment because of wwc actually i'm playing rn because i can just grind tomorrow the recording is lagging my game so much i'll have to turn down the graphics 💀 did a wifi speed test turns out my wifi is just bad at the moment normally i have 15 ms but now i have 42 wish i could just show a replay but there are no replays i have 14 ms now time to play woooooooo
Davy7mo ago
whoooo WOOOOO :D
uneven6587mo ago
Bruh I get like 50-90
wy 0
wy 07mo ago
i'm washed because i didn't play for a while D:
Koutua7mo ago
same bro, same
Momoko7mo ago
Ok so I got home but forgot to post results :ICANT: So this is my setup. Reminder to take it with a grain of salt, as there was always at least two bots in every game somewhere Game 1
Momoko7mo ago
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Momoko7mo ago
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Momoko7mo ago
(We lost this one btw :D) Enemy Krillin and Piccolo are bots. Our Cooler and Trunks were bots. 2 v 2 basically. But even so, zero deaths and 22 kills with all red is respectable
Momoko7mo ago
Game 2
No description
7mo ago
lv13 is crazy
Momoko7mo ago
Win. Another 2 v 2 kinda deal, but still zero deaths with all three red Damn match history really don't go back that far I got a couple more but they get more throw away-e, despite my good personal results (minus me not touching a GoD even once)
Momoko7mo ago
No description
Momoko7mo ago
This one is actually solo queue but I miraculously got a Majin Buu bot with me :ICANT: This one is also mostly bots and a loss.
Dragon Ball OV
Dragon Ball OV7mo ago
⏰ This has timed out and is no longer available
Corsair Challenger Spawned! Corsair
Rarity: Uncommon Level: 103 Energy Weakness : Dark blackDarkblue indigo
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ !enter to enter this challenge
From konomomo
Admins can do [!setchannel #channel] for challenges to spawn in a particular channel
Dragon Ball OV
Dragon Ball OV7mo ago
@Momoko In order to enter this challenge, Please - Start the bot using !start - Select a character from your inventory (!chars) using !select <number>
Momoko7mo ago
S- So like... y'all seein the Pilaf or- Nevermind anyway
Momoko7mo ago
Last game
No description
Momoko7mo ago
Another not so good one in the grand scheme. 2 v 2 with bots (maybe more bots? idk I can't tell sometimes lmaoo) A loss as well but I didn't touch GoDs again so I need to play objective better But with some of these, hopefully you can see the idea of running 3 red. I had more matches against actual people but I didn't know the match history was so short I'll have to record some of my games to show y'all in action, but 3 red cards and my low amount of deaths should at least show a proof of concept
Dragon Ball OV
Dragon Ball OV7mo ago
@Momoko In order to enter this challenge, Please - Start the bot using !start - Select a character from your inventory (!chars) using !select <number>
Momoko7mo ago
I am also C rank, for what it's worth I wish I could have some all human matches more often to truly test it, but this is what we're forced to work with rn since this is just how the matchmaking works
double7mo ago
Goku gang
Davy7mo ago
lightning bush goku gang we loove nuking ape

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