is there a way to make a ticket in the discord or like email riot my account got stolen and im tryin
plz help if anyone knows
10 Replies
:valQuestion: If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved.
Account Recovery:
^^ @★
wich one?

Automated recovery tool
this was what my user name was but it wont let me put that it says its non-alphanumeric

or is it not my ingame name
oh nvm idk how to know my user name i only knew my ingame name?
It would be the name you use to log into your account
oh, i dont really know what that was because i allways signed in through my email because it logged my out everytime but not i try and it says that, that email is no longer associated with a account
like as iff someone got into it and changed the email on it
If you bought anything it would be on the emailed receipt
bet i got back into it thank you