vgk.sys BSOD
Every time I open val this happens, I've tried every fix I could find on yt.

17 Replies
what are ur pc specs
amd ryzen 5 2600
rtx 1050 ti
how much RAM
do u have any other heavy games?
does it happen with those 2?
only val
try repairing the files in the riot launcher
if that doesent fix it u have to reinstall it
one sec
open the launcher
go to settings and there should be a button somewhere sayign repair files or repair smt
i already reinstalled 2 times
because this doesent seem to be valorant related but hardware related
my specs are about the same and when this happend to me it was
related to my ssd
did u reinstall vangaurd aswell?
like remove valorant andvangaurd
hmm check ur hardware
like checkl ur ssd/hdd ram sticks gpu and cpu for any faults
like physically?
no no using ur pc
for example
andgoogle wil guide u to how to check
oh wait cant send links
like search for " how to find errors in my ram" on google and there is videos sites al lexplaining o nhow to