I just transferred my SEA account to NA… why am I queueing with silvers?
according to my knowledge i should be queuing with my rank and not silvers..? https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4413502362259-Account-Transfer-FAQ as this says my MMR is kept, i don’t understand …
126 Replies
put it in rice
fuck u right
my fault gang
Might work
trust putting it in rice it will wake up its brain and potentially put you in the best lobbies 🔥
i hate silver those 2 fucks on my team were throwing and i’m jus there trynna clutch every rnd
like it’s one thing to be afk it’s another to physically use ur util against us
i miss people with fucking brains
brains are overrated ngl
my average game be like
i fucking hate silvers get me out
get ME out i be 40k per game and still losing
i jus did 😭😭
being immo isnt hard just carry them smh
ok stop spamming here SOMEONE HELP ME
you cant possibly be immortal and cant carry silvers
at least if high elo ur team knows what’s happening
dawg why the FUCK are you doubting me rn
get me out
or girl
you are
changing region completely resets your rank history
but my MMR should have stayed no?
oh well
i’m gonna slap u
im not questoning you
im just saying
silvers play with their brain off
apparently not :p
for being immo
it should be easy enough to carry them yk
i don’t wanna carry my braindead silver teammates to a rank they don’t deserve x3
i do that in high elo enough
then dont complain 😭
wdym you dont wanna win to rank up
that’s why i’m asking for help, to see if i shld make a ticket
just do
doesnt hurt anyone to make a ticket
i know why you’re in silver now, you lack a brain too
either way just wait
i guess its normal. "you lose your rank and match history"
meaning you need to start comp all over again
nah you will see my career after
comp yes, but it means as in placements
cuz sh is cursed
yh ima make a ticket
yall are some yucky mucks
if you were immo and now silver, you did lose your entire rank
just grind it all the way from the beginning
yeah, because it was resetted
you got the skill, you are basically a smurf
you don’t understand that it’s annoying an time consuming i don’t want to have to grind for weeks to get back to a rank i should be placed at
they said the MMR is kept
it should take more than a week if you are consistent
even tho my history is kept
any source?
i literally linked it
trust her bro
chill :KEKL:
chill tf out
we chillin
you not
fuck i hope u lose all ur comp games
all of em
already did
im comp banned
i hope u drop 40k just to lose
happens for the past 3 months
cant (massive skill issue)
no wonder im silver
with that ego earlier u def plat
wait, isnt that what you do in silver
i hope u never get unbanned
nah silvers ego are bigger than her rank
fuck it’s true
you are smurfing
it would take around a week

i hope you get sexist men on your teams and 2 throwers who flash and wall you off every round
fuck ok i’m chilling
my average game
thats just normal frankfurt match lol
wym frankfurt is easy as shit
i got to plat3 on 200 ping
ping abuser :WeirdChamping:
i play frankfurt as main server
yall annoying af i made this ticket so ppl who actually got their accs transferred knows too
riot usually takes the easy way out so i wanna fight it a bit
im out
tried to be nice
go on tokyo servers
got insulted
im out as well
last time on tokyo i went 1/12 in comp
500 ping isnt good
heh lightwork
i woulda gotten 2
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i personally woulda gotten that that’s jus me tho
why are u moaning
because of valorant
i nerf myself usually by playing with no crosshair
great for you
i wish i had emojis
monitor crosshair be like:
i dont even have a setting to turn it on😭🙏
i’m 60hz
play flappybird
im not joking
i play that one offline game on google
with the dino
my highscore is like 10k
play without hud
its fun
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oh damn
i never thought of that
lowkey cool
but i look away before i hear shit usually anyways
anyways ima still need help w this😭🙏
wait for a reply in the ticket
ngl it sounds interesting enough to try but i need those kill animations to be seen :val_KekwSob:
game thinks youre bad
well unfortunately for you i ACTUALLY was able to talk to someone who went through it before and it’s a system glitch 😐
i have to make a ticket and they’ll probably fix it
MIGHT not be too shabby

yall mfs are not helpful
like bro i’m asking if anyone has a similar experience and that other kid is jus like erm ur technically a smurf just smurf back 🤓
fuck yall
i hate kids
very true
i’m NOT gonna spam someone nd get banned
you wont get banned
@호나 I will ban you right now
My sensei will not stand for my disrespect :val_HelloBro:
Btw whats that team heretics role?
it was for the predictions who will win the vct finals (i got all pickems on th :cat_Cry_Sob: )
Tell me what you guys think
@GenZ ⛧ Walking Ult Orb @jidat
i like
I don't like people calling me dumb cuz i asked what program they used to update their igpu drivers 😔 so yea i would like that to be implemented
Rejected :praycat: