25 Replies
i dont see secure boot in my bios
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
of everything?

theres more but i think this is what u mean
@Saucywan ?
A bit below that too please.
My bad I fell asleep I’ll send the rest tomorrow
@jidat @Saucywan

its unsupported
win+r, tpm.msc, send a photo

Sadly, your system doesn’t support tpm 2.0
I made a ticket like 2 days ago to see if it would help
Something that is required for Vanguard.
They may lift the restrictions on your system
Just wait 👍
they replied
ill tell u ina min
Apparently there’s something else I can do if my pc doesn’t support either of these
What did they say?

That will not work with your error
That only works with VAN 900* errors
i replied now im waiting

Tell them you're on Windows 10.

no valoant 4 me