Hello guys. i tried going in bios to fix this problem but i cant go into bios and i dont know why? i tried everything, i have asus motherboard, also when i turn on my pc there is no asus boot up screen. please help
23 Replies
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo

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ill see
i need to
into bios
i cant get there
i tried f2,delete etc
when my pc is booting on
Open cmd as admin
its just black
As soon as this command is entered, your pc will restart. And will automatically boot into bios
i tried that aswell
not working
Does it restart your computer?
Or is there an error in the console?
it restarts it into desktop
So it does restart your computer?
but im not into bios
And you tried it just now
Yeah i did
I can create a video
It restarts onto desktop
It does not go into bios
On the back of your computer make sure you're plugged into the GPU and not the motherboard
i am plugget into the gpu
Using what wire? DP, HTMI?
Try this: forums . tomshardware. com/threads/cant-access-the-bios.3154121/#post-19537955

Ill try
none is working
You're mostly going to have to contact the board manufacturer
There's nothing I can do