Difference deploy behavior from wrangler CLI and Cloudflare website.

When I deploy a project across git CLI and already connect Cloudflare Works, and it builds successfully, you can view it at https://be758b82.balanced-chef.pages.dev/, it can open, but the /blog/* page doesn't work, I check everything is OK. After, I tried to deploy the project through npx wrangler pages deploy dist, and it worked well on every page, you can see it at https://fe5e61f6.balanced-chef.pages.dev/ What's wrong?
Astro description
7 Replies
Jürgen Leschner
Hi @Sgal I see identical responses (404) from those 2 urls with /blog/. - https://be758b82.balanced-chef.pages.dev/blog/ - https://fe5e61f6.balanced-chef.pages.dev/blog/ b.t.w. if your site is all static, I would suggest not using the @astrojs/cloudflare adapter. Cloudflare Pages is quite happy serving the static build without workers. https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/integrations-guide/cloudflare/
If you’re using Astro as a static site builder, you don’t need an adapter.
Learn how to use the @astrojs/cloudflare SSR adapter to deploy your Astro project.
SgalOP7mo ago
I have also created a new topic in Cloudflare Comunity: Difference deploy behavior from wrangler CLI and Cloudflare website(https://community.cloudflare.com/t/difference-deploy-behavior-from-wrangler-cli-and-cloudflare-website/702540)
SgalOP7mo ago
This URL(https://fe5e61f6.balanced-chef.pages.dev) published by wrangle CLI works well. It Route at Card(https://fe5e61f6.balanced-chef.pages.dev/blog/Card).
Astro description
Jürgen Leschner
@Sgal I suspect that you are hitting this astro issue https://discord.com/channels/830184174198718474/1276586107869466726/1279006502442635309 The cloudflare astro adapter sets the rendering mode to server. This causes errors with templates which were not tested with SSR (like the blog template) I would suggest not using SSR unless you have to. to test this, try changing to output: 'hybrid' .
Jürgen Leschner
alternatively, you could add export const prerender = true; to the relevant .astro file. PS - I answered your environment variable question in the community forum.
SgalOP7mo ago
I see, I'll continue to focus on it, and the test uses dotenv to obtain environment variables.

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