xone doesn't seem to work

My Xbox home thing is solid, but the controller is not detected. Connecting via a cable does work
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16 Replies
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•7mo ago
Seen this a couple times before, update the firmware of your controller Should be fine after that
FrityetOP•7mo ago
How could I do this? Do I need a windows PC
HikariKnight•7mo ago
to my understanding yes
FrityetOP•7mo ago
damn VM time
HikariKnight•7mo ago
make sure you have a usb controller in its own IOMMU group (or not in a group with something critical) so you can pass through the whole usb controller (not gamepad) gamepads tend to be... very dumb to passthrough and require the whole usb controller present in the VM 🤢
FrityetOP•7mo ago
Oh god I forgot about that stuff, is it as tedious as setting up GPU pass through
HikariKnight•7mo ago
luckily not just make sure its in a group with nothing critical and pass it through as a pci device, done
FrityetOP•7mo ago
Alr nice
HikariKnight•7mo ago
no binding or anything
HikariKnight•7mo ago
you can use https://github.com/HikariKnight/ls-iommu to list the groups easily
GitHub - HikariKnight/ls-iommu: A tool to list devices in iommu gro...
A tool to list devices in iommu groups, useful for setting up VFIO - HikariKnight/ls-iommu
HikariKnight•7mo ago
ls-iommu -ur should list all usb controllers and any devices sharing the same group as it
HikariKnight•7mo ago
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FrityetOP•7mo ago
Oh my god I was about to ask you how to do this but here Thanks Trying rn Do I need to enable vfio drivers for this Oh wait I gotta enable jimmy Iommu I was wondering why the iommu dir was blank I just forgot lmaooo Literally every single USB is in group 2
FrityetOP•7mo ago
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HikariKnight•7mo ago
well at least your system wont freeze, just means you need to be very careful to have the spice display open when you start the VM so you dont navigate with a blindfold on (maybe enable ssh on the host so you can sudo virsh list and sudo virsh destroy VM) can even go as far as setting up vnc to the VM so you can navigate the vm from your phone or something (if for some reason the cursor is invisible in the spice display when attached directly to the VM)
FrityetOP•7mo ago
Damn it alr damn there was no update the controller worked great in the windows VM

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