Login-Help doesn't actually work

There is an issue with https://dash.cloudflare.com/login-help When you click submit ticket it sends an email to the associated email account that you listed to confirm you have an account. The response you get in your email inbox says "Unrecognized email" preventing users from being able to actually submit their ticket I thought this could just be unique to my account, so I created a separate Cloudflare account to see if the issue would persist, and It did. Here is the proof
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4 Replies
Flare7mo ago
Please do not post your question in multiple channels/post it multiple times per the rules at ⁠#😃welcome-and-rules. It creates confusion for people trying to help you and doesn't get your issue or question solved any faster.
brooke7mo ago
im also having this problem.
SergioOP7mo ago
Sorry to hear that @brooke Please copy my ticket and paste it so its brought to the teams attention, as clearly nobody is taking accountability here or providing any resolution @Leo define what that means please. I am a paying customer, so is @brooke . We provide our money with the expectation a service works When it doens't we have no other option but to reach out on a discord server because the support system is so poor. Some people run businesses, and those businesses depend on the software we pay for. "community" you can't be serious. Cloudflare is a busienss itself.
brooke7mo ago
i was able to log in bc i remembered i saved my keys in a file somewhere (secured file) but without those idk what wouldve happened to my site it seems impossible to reach anyone at cloudflare and you cant upgrade your account if you cant log in

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