Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Unknown internal error occurred.

Today I have been receiving the error "Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Unknown internal error occurred." at the end of the log when attempting new Cloudflare Pages branch preview deploys of a Nuxt 3 site. This has happened both on a branch with new updates, as well as when attempting to redeploy an unchanged branch I know was successful yesterday. - First failed deploy ID (changed branch): 40f8d806-dc76-47f2-aecb-eb89010d18f6 - Unchanged branch failed deploy ID: 58e7b43b-0c4b-4bc7-9e5c-feb10689bb90 - Previously successful deploy ID: bbe09ac1-e190-40c0-a89e-3cee30376c33 0f9ad129f3922da4c105e565be3ae6d8
4 Replies
Walshy•7mo ago
Let me take a look! should be resolved (may take a minute or two), sorry for the issue there @chris.violette 🙂
chris.violetteOP•7mo ago
thanks! attempting a new preview deploy now. success! 🚀 thanks for the quick assist @Walshy | Deploying -- anything on my end I can do to resolve if this were to happen again in the future?
Walshy•7mo ago
Nah this wasn't on you, this was on us -- feel free to ping me if you see this again in the future!
chris.violetteOP•7mo ago
will do. appreciate it!

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