why im loosing more than im gaining
idk why this is im loosing more rr than im gaining like this screenshoit on sunset i get 14 while the sova playing im queued with got 20 and on the icebox game exact same score team mvp i loose 20 its so unfair. I just need to know why this is happening my MMR is normal there is nothing wrong with it

6 Replies
Ur d3 and the avg rank in the lobby is below that so they expect you to win the game
If you dont its basically a "you dont deserve this rank" and get alot of minus
Also the sova got +20 with perfomance bonus probably when comparing the 2 games?
If you dont play well for your rank you lose mmr thats how it goes
wdym im diamond 2 in diamond 3 lobby
so the game still doesnt think i deserve diamond 2 after countless match MVPs and wins
the last really bad game i had was that omen game cuz they had an immo 3 smurf

you have 250 acs in a lobby probably way below you so its pretty expected,
may aaswell just start new account if im this doesnt change cause im not gonna gain RR in 2 games just to loose it all in one game
it should change