site offline after ssl certificate initialization

hey guys, I have a little problem, but have no Idea where to post it, maybe you guys can redirect me if this here is the wrong place. so the problem is the following: for our website I wanted to get a ssl certificate. For that I got the account on cloudflare (free plan) and changed the nameserver in my godaddy account to the cloudflare ones (I followed a youtube video, that explained how to install the ssl certificate. however, now (after about 18hours) the website isn't online anymore.
31 Replies
Idle7mo ago
whats the error
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
"site not found" The connection to the server failed ago
DNS over Discord: A records A @ +noall +answer A non-existent domain [3 - NXDomain] was requested and could not be found
diggy diggy hole
Idle7mo ago
might want to check your dns settings
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
oh, ok I just checked on godaddy and indeed there are no records. Is this because I changed the nameserver there? Because prior to this change, everything was fine... oh I guess I have to add the records on cloudflaire it sais: Add an A, AAAA, or CNAME record for www so that will resolve. Add an A, AAAA, or CNAME record for your root domain so that will resolve. Add an MX record for your root domain so that mail can reach addresses or set up restrictive SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records to prevent email spoofing. what do I put in the "name" field and what in the "IPv4 adress" field?
Idle7mo ago
ipv4 is an A record
Idle7mo ago
this is how a IPV4 record for your domain apex would look like
No description
Idle7mo ago
using anything but @ for the name would be a record for a subdomain (in the context of A records) you can also take a look at dns record types
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
ok thanks.... to add all the record seems pretty complicated, especially since I haven't done that before and have basically no idea lol... so should I better just reste the settings in godaddy and buy a ssl certificate? or is there an easy enough way so I can do it?
Idle7mo ago
shouldn't be any more complicated than adding them in godaddy... if you have an exported list of records you can also import them from there.
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Idle7mo ago
also since you did not explain what makes adding the dns records so complicated for you i can't really suggest any solutions...
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
I just looked on another domain I have registered with godaddy, and there are so many records there (like 3 tabs full of different records: A, NS, CNAME, SOA, MX, TXT, SRV)
Idle7mo ago
🤔 as far as i know godaddy offers a way to export your dns records which would allow you to import them directly into cloudflare
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
ok. but then I need to reset them for the website where they are gone first...need to figure out if this is possible
Idle7mo ago
reset records?
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
I mean I have nothing to export from right now.
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Idle7mo ago
did you not save your records before moving to cloudflare
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
nope 😂
Idle7mo ago
in that case you'll have to search through databases that store old dns records
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
i was just following a youtube video yeah I try to get godaddy suport I guess
Idle7mo ago
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
thanks for your help!
Idle7mo ago
you can try security trails or censys search to try and find old-ish dns records really any threat intelligence provider with a public search feature
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
ok oh, they came back...maybe it was a glitch in godaddy. I was able to export them and import them in cloudflaire it looks like this now: the site still doesn't work, but maybe it takes some time? Or id there an issue with my import?
Idle7mo ago
site works for me try clearing your browser/dns cache also i'd reccomend you delete this unless you want your backend ip exposed
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
thank you it works on my desktop, not on my laptop, but maybe I need to reboot firefox
Idle7mo ago
what error are you getting on your laptop?
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
still the same: Page was not found The connection to the server failed.
Idle7mo ago
then you need to clear your dns and or browser cache
👑Quasar | COSMOStudio🎧
ok how do I clear dns? or do I need to delete the comlete browser history?
Idle7mo ago
on windows ipconfig /flushdns should do the trick, that is as long as you are using a public resolver. as for clearing site cache you can just hit ctrl + f5 while on the site to reload it without cache

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