Game freezing, someone please HELP!

Since iv been playing valorant my game freezes every time i alt-tap to my next screen. It will also freeze my second monitor but will still play until i alt-tab, then both monitors will freeze. I play music through my browser while playing, but my music will still continue to play after one or both monitors freeze. Valorant is the only game that does this on my set up. Iv tried to get other games to do it but none have. i paly all different types of games from FPS, to MMOs, an etc. Iv uninstalled riot games an valorant multiple times to see if that would fix the problem. it hasn't. I normally paly all my games in 4k, but i play valorant in 1440p. Iv change multiple graphic settings to try an fix the problem an nothing is working. I honestly don't know if its the game itself, but it only happens when i play valorant. Now i stop playing the game because, when i queue into a match an the screen freezes it will give me an abandon penalty. which is causing my account to be penalized, so i have stopped playing the game. I like playing valorant, but this issue is very upsetting. i just started playing the game so I'm still new to it. this issue takes the fun away from it for me. I have a NVidia 4070 GPU, Ryzen 7700x CPU, 144hz 4k monitor, 32G G Skill ram, MSI B650 pro Mother board and windows 11. so i don't believe my rig is the issue but i really need someone to help me please!
4 Replies
호나7mo ago
play on windowed fullscreen
TheCombatCactus7mo ago
Im having a simliar issue and windowd full screen doesnt help. Can you still hear yourself using utility and things even though your screen is frozen?
호나7mo ago
disable hardware accelerated gpu scheduling
TheCombatCactus7mo ago
yeah just saw that in another post, trying it now that also seems to get turned back on

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