Had a few questions that are all kind of

Had a few questions that are all kind of related. Context - I primarily play DCS, and I recently completed Hiob's pedal mod so I have that running. In the Configurator - 1) For hardware force trim, there is a tick that says override Trim. This isn't covered in the documentation are there example use cases when you would/wouldn't want this enabled? - 2) In terms of the configurator binding and loopback app, is it possible to have modifiers? For example, I may want my force trim release to be button 19, and the reset to be button 3+19, is that doable? - 3) From the documentation it seems like pedals aren't supported in DCS w/ force trim/following. Is there a reason I can't use hardware force trim with the pedals? The documenation eludes to a double input but I don't understand how that is any different than trimming the regular stick. I assume the issue is that you can't have a HW force trim bind from a different device in the Configurator? If so, that seems like a software feature that could come at some point? I realize that with the no spring mode, it's not a necessity, but still a nice to have. - 4) On the subject of the loopback app and streamlining things, is it possible and or planned to have a loopback for axis as well? The primary use case here would be the brake pedals so I don't have to bind the rudder to the VPForce device and the brakes from the MFG in DCS.
3 Replies
Number481•7mo ago
- 1: "Override Trim" is sort of a "sticky" for the hat trim bindings you have bound in the hardware trim portion of configurator. If you enable this the 4 directional trim bindings will adjust the center offset regardless of if you have "sticky" enabled for the spring effect or not. As far as a use for it? I haven't found one - 2: Sounds like a good item for #đź“Świshlist - 3: Depends on what you want to do in which type of aircraft. - For fixed wing, pedal trim following is supported via TelemFFB. It reads the trim position from the telemetry and mvoes the pedals accordingly (except for the Phantom, until I can figure out a way around the rudder interconnect) - For heli's TelemFFB supports basic force trim (center offset). This can be bound to an input from your joystick (and can even be the same button you use for cyclic force trim) or to a button from a loopback device. If you wanted hat trimming on pedals you would need to use the HW trim feature in configurator. - 4: Another one for #đź“Świshlist
Stal2kOP•7mo ago
Wow thanks! I'm going to give the binding pedal force trim a try in a few then. So for helicopters, forgetting the regular VPForce documentation. Are you saying I'd do the force trim enabling and binding within TelemFFB instead of hw trim in the configurator? I'd like to keep it the same button which would be a loopback button. I don't really care too much about the hat trimming for helicopters. Also, and I can figure this out myself if I get to it but does TelemFFB respect the state of the force trim switch in the cockpit? Or is that something you'd need to either fake with a double hardware bind (DCS+Telem) or just call it a compromise.
Number481•7mo ago
You can set it up in either location. Functionally the TelemFFB hardware trim implementation does the same thing as the one in configurator. It just provides an easier way to set up unique configurations per model without having to deal with separate configurator profiles. One advantage that TelemFFB has is that the pedals instance has visibility into the button presses from the joystick instance. So you could bind the pedal FT to a button on your Rhino without having to use the loopback for your pedals. For the cyclic, the force trim is handled by DCS and the trim switch in the UH-1 does control it on/off. For the hardware pedal trim feature in TelemFFB, no, it does not. The pedal force trim feature is brand new in the last release. The only documentation is what I wrote in the release announcement https://discord.com/channels/965234441511383080/965234441511383083/1272538086043029607 but the setup is relatively self explanatory

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