CNAME x Proxy Issue
Hi, my CNAME records are not working when using the Proxy (, but I must in order to get IPv6. So it seems to be the 1st cause mentioned here: -- I cannot turn the Proxy off, what should I do? Thanks
Cloudflare Docs
Verify a domain with CNAME | Cloudflare DNS docs
When configuring services from external providers - such as email services, for example - it is possible that they require you to verify your domain by placing a CNAME record at your zone.
DNS Checker
DNS Checker - DNS Check Propagation Tool
Check DNS Propagation worldwide. DNS Checker provides name server propagation check instantly. Changed nameservers so do a DNS lookup and check if DNS and nameservers have propagated.
4 Replies
hi Leo, I need the IPv6 gateway
connecting the internet computer with vercel
yes, did all that &
Vercel Community
Cloudflare Proxy Issue
Hi, @xalkan! We have docs on our integrations with Cloudflare. From the docs: Set the Proxy status to DNS only. This ensures DNS queries result in Vercel serving the request instead of Cloudflare.
but this does not provide a solution when proxied
Cloudflare Docs
Verify a domain with CNAME | Cloudflare DNS docs
When configuring services from external providers - such as email services, for example - it is possible that they require you to verify your domain by placing a CNAME record at your zone.
but it was working just fine until a few days ago
hi @Leo could the HTTP verification path (http://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/.well-known/acme-challenge/*) perhaps be modified by page rules, bot protection, geo-blocking or any other Cloudflare features? I don't have any rules.
hi Leo, I did everything mentioned in "Using Cloudflare as a reverse proxy" but the issue remains. Isn't that contradictory with what you said about
you cant have a proxied CNAME record that shows as a CNAME on DNS
that they are asking to add a CNAME but it doesn't work with the proxy
The issue was fixed by disabling the Under Attack Mode.