idk why i have a ban i dont cheat or something

idk why i am banned they say i am usin hacks or something but i dont idk iv i got hacked or so but pls i dont use anything ingame name ryzenghg#5778
6 Replies
호나5mo ago
VANGUARD Main5mo ago
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
호나5mo ago
appeal it here ^
ryzenghgOP5mo ago
yeah they dont asnwer they closed my ticket 2 times
호나5mo ago
well then the ban was valid
ryzenghgOP5mo ago
No, they say I use 3 providers, but I have and will never do something like that. I mean, I have 1200 hours of playtime and spent 200 euros I don't know if I was hacked or what, but I've never been offensive or done anything And if I'm honest, Valorant support has never been good so i mean they dont give me a rason why i am banned and i wannt my ac back or my money

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