Run a nodejs script right before website is deployed to transform the website's content

my website is multilingual, and i do it by running a script on my project that transforms it into multiple folders, each for a different language. I run that script during development to view my website, but is there a way to do that in cloudflare?
12 Replies
ShaharMSOP7mo ago
Can post that script is necessary. The project version im talking about isnt deployed to cloudflare yet, but can be found in the repository:
GitHub - ShaharMS/APBD-FoodList at qol/main-site-integration
Lists of foods sorted by glycemic indices, glycemic loads, suger & carbs. - GitHub - ShaharMS/APBD-FoodList at qol/main-site-integration
ShaharMSOP7mo ago
the script in question: (ignore the script's persistency, a diffenret version of the script will be the one run by cloudflare:)
Jürgen Leschner
Hi @ShaharMS , You can configure a build command to run the build script for your project when you set up a pages site in Cloudflare. The npm build command can call tools installed inside your project if you have a build script in your package.json like this
Cloudflare Docs
Build configuration | Cloudflare Pages docs
You may tell Cloudflare Pages how your site needs to be built as well as where its output files will be located.
GitHub at main · jldec/ Contribute to jldec/ development by creating an account on GitHub.
ShaharMSOP7mo ago
Thanks, rn I'm at work but will test this when I get home :) Ok, either i misunderstood or its not specifically what im asking for - i dont see any option for providing my own build tool - only run specific build commands for specific frameworks. this project is vanilla html-css-js, so there arent any framework, and I have a build script that writes generates files. To simplify my question - is there a way to get cloudflare to run node .\compiler\auto-compile.mjs, wait for it to finish, and then grab an output folder and use it as a site?
Jürgen Leschner
did you try entering that full node command as your "build" command in the pages settings?
ShaharMSOP7mo ago
but will it actually permit it? it does filesystem stuff just havent seen anything specific in the doc
Jürgen Leschner
yeah pages builds run in a linux container
Jürgen Leschner
Cloudflare Docs
Language support and tools | Cloudflare Pages docs
Cloudflare Pages’ build environment has broad support for a variety of languages, such as Ruby, Node.js, Python, PHP, and Go.
ShaharMSOP7mo ago
damn well ill try that and get back to u will take me some time since i need to move stuff around and edit abit
Jürgen Leschner
no worries - good luck
ShaharMSOP7mo ago
Did everything - Tysm it worked :D very surprising, wasnt thinking it would actually let me do filesystem changes didnt know cloudflare was chill like that

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