VALORANTβ€’7mo ago

How do you deal with Cypher one-way traps?

is there any way to break them without getting hit by them? like Kay/o's knife? I mainly play Cypher, Kay/o and Omen
4 Replies
ν˜Έλ‚˜β€’7mo ago
well most trips can be broken without any abilities, I'd say there's the one on bind which needs a weapon that can penetrate walls, but you should always have something to break stuff it'll make ur life 10x easier
griffOPβ€’7mo ago
yeah "most" but like you said there is one on Bind and there's one on sunset and Ascent that are giving me trouble. Would be nice knowing what abilities can disable traps :FeelsOkayMan:
ν˜Έλ‚˜β€’7mo ago
abilities hm sova shock dart breach aftershock raze nade and satchel basically any explosion type of ability no mollies
griffOPβ€’7mo ago
:okayeg:πŸ‘ big tanks

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