
banned on valorant and support is being jerks.

Hello, i got banned for 3rd party software but i am 100% confident i wasn't using any 3rd party Software. Asked valorant support for proof that i was cheating (which they don't have because i wasn't) and they keep closing my tickets. Any help?
You were banned for the right reason and your appeal has been denied
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28 Replies
Ky7mo ago
Valorant has one of the best anti cheats out there. If you have at all cheated in any other game in the past they will strike you down pretty much instantly. Had a friend that cheated in rust couple years ago and got banned after opening valorant for the first time. Not much to do if that is your case. You could check what mice and keyboards are banned. Can't remember if it's valorant or another competitive shooter but there is one that will place restrictions on your account for the hardware you use.
smol brain
smol brain7mo ago
I also got banned today for a 3rd party software. I play rust and have been using crosshair x for that game. But when I play other games like valorant it automatically hides itself. It's the only 3rd party app that I have had open and I'm still waiting for support on my ticket (besides maybe overwolf for porofessor or razer cortex) People have been saying it's not bannable but maybe they've had a change in policies idk
krzysOP7mo ago
I have razer Viper 8khz(mice), Logitech g pro x Superlight(mice) and redragon keyboard I wasn't using any other cheats and i wasn't banned by vanguard I got manually banned
Ky7mo ago
Manual bans usually aren't recoverable. Best you can do is keep going through support lines. They have to have a clip somewhere of it unless your hardware is bannable which I doubt because it's very niche equipment.
krzysOP7mo ago
Man, i opened like 3 tickets asking, begging and shi and they keep closing them.
Ky7mo ago
Have you been game banned on steam before?
krzysOP7mo ago
They won't show me the proof because they don't have it and i can bet my left nut on it Never ever And i am actively using Steam since 2018
Ky7mo ago
Well best you can do is yet again going through support. I doubt you'll get anywhere but it's still worth am effort
krzysOP7mo ago
You AI ain't you? Some admin probably got mad at me, banned me and now won't show proof because it doesn't exist and never existet
호나7mo ago
they dont give you proof for security reasons. if they closed your ticket it means the ban was valid and they wont unban
krzysOP7mo ago
Fuck you mean "Security reasons" It's recording of me "cheating" It's like giving someone life in prison but not showing any proof because some ahh security reasons Then show me the proof They can't ban me for shit without proof
호나7mo ago
they actually can lmao
krzysOP7mo ago
Can't* In Eu (where suprise suprise, i live) company have to give all the information they have on you If they have proof i am "cheating" they HAVE TO give it to me
Jidat7mo ago
Good that riot is based in NA :val_HeyApple:
krzysOP7mo ago
But they have offices in Europe I made some admin with 2 inch penis mad and now he says fuck to European law
Jidat7mo ago
How exactly did u make an admin "mad"? Also admin of what?
krzysOP7mo ago
Admin of Minecraft Server ofc Nah but are you fr asking?
Saucywan7mo ago
All of the data if you request it It doesn't mean they need to provide you with ban proof
krzysOP7mo ago
All of the data such as recording of my gameplay that they save on their sneaky ahh server
Saucywan7mo ago
They don't save recordings of your gameplay
krzysOP7mo ago
So they don't have the proof of me cheating and banned me without proof?
Saucywan7mo ago
Vanguard bans you. Vanguard uses statistics, system data. And other factors to determine if you were cheating An automatic system cannot just watch your gameplay
krzysOP7mo ago
So you telling me that i was banned when i wasn't even using valorant? It logged that i was cheating but banned me after couple hours?
Saucywan7mo ago
The statistics are gathered when playing But it only skims through them while actively playing If you don't play long enough for it to go through all of it then yes you can be banned even if you're not playing But the statistics aren't gathered after you close valorant
krzysOP7mo ago
Just admit y'all banned me with no proof
Saucywan7mo ago
I can guarantee you the billion dollar company does not care about individually targeting you.
Saucywan7mo ago
You were banned for the right reason and your appeal has been denied
krzysOP7mo ago
Give me the proof shitter Because you did not even know my riot id and just saying that i was banned for right reason without even knowing for sure what i was banned fot

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