Hi Team, we are using thoughtspot emebed
Hi Team, we are using thoughtspot emebed. When we share liveboard, can we customise the email body that the user receives?
10 Replies
We would like to modify the message as well as the liveboard link.
Instead of the thoughtspot liveboard link, we would like to have our web app's link that takes them to our thoughtspot embed.
@Nikhil Kumaran S - See https://developers.thoughtspot.com/docs/customize-links#_customize_link_format for modifying the web app link during sharing.
Can you elaborate more on what you want to modify in the message
Customize links
Customize link format
The custom link with our domain worked. For the modification in the message. We need a similar message like this(refer image)
We need to customise the email body as well as the email subject.
@utsav.kapoor ^
i dont think we can customise the email body for Share liveboard
cc: @shikharTS to confirm if we have any other options avialable
As of now, we are unable to customise email body. We can only provide custom links. I would recommend to create a feature request and we can take this up internally.
At this time, users cannot modify the email template. However, they can add a custom message, which will be visible in the email when sharing files via both the UI and Rest Playground V2 (APIs).
For more details, please refer to the documentation: https://docs.thoughtspot.com/software/latest/share-liveboards.
Also, We have custom emails in our roadmap for Thoughtspot Embed that we will prioritised if few more queries comes from customers.
@Nikhil Kumaran S - Does this help your usecase ?
No this won't work for our usecase actually.
Noted. @Nikhil Kumaran S This feature is currently in talks for our TSE(Embedded) customers. I have let the Product teams know about your feedback. We will pick it soon. Thanks for your patience .