Secure boot error even with secure boot enabled and ptm please help
ive come back to valorant after a year and am now on windows 11. using the same hardware I am getting an error stating that I must have secure boot enabled in my bios. However I have enabled secureboot and intel trusted platforms and am using UEFI. However on system info it says my secure boot is unsupported. any info or help will be much appreciated (just lost my spot in the 5stack /:

173 Replies
your pc dont support secure boot bro theres nothng you can do
Why can’t it, what do I need to change
Hardware software??
well if im not bad it could be bc your motherboard but you can also check if your system support it by msinfo32
I have a z270 motherboard
As rock fatality k6
Do I need to disable csm?
I think it is automatically deactivated when you activate secure boot
It’s enabled atm
I’ll give it a try
you can type msinfo32 on your menu if you can active secure boot it should say on

Yeah that’s what it says
When I disable csm it doesn’t boot
and when you tried to open valorant it still gave you the error as if you did not have it activated?

when you activate the secure boot and tpm 2.0 did you save?
Both were on by default
I’m using tiny 11
i don't think you need secure boot to play valorant on tiny 11
Idk I installed tiny 11 and this is my first time trying to play since
After disabling csm it removed all of my boot devices

bro did you enter to the bios with a tutorial or by yourself??
why did you desactive csm
I know my way around the bios I’ve done some overclocking and overvolting before.
I disabled csm because someone in one of the other support tickets suggested to do so
Re-enabled csm and I boot
I don't know why the boot devices were deleted if csm has nothing to do with it.\
odd ill try again
never messed with secure boot or csm before though this stuff is pretty new to me. should have stuck to windows 10
im going to disable secure boot and see if i loose my disks again
your disks are already lose btw, and i dont think secure boot is the reason bc your disks are empty
you probably do something i recommend you put the bios on default settings
I still got all my data if that’s what you meant
I’ll try this
When I have secure boot and tpm enabled as well as csm everything works
But when I have csm disabled and the others enabled then the boot device disappears

i might be misunderstanding but i have UEFI not legacy enabled
mmh i was thinking csm was a both option for legacy and uefi bios mode
any other possible solutions?
do i need a new motherboard or smth
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo

Do you have a usb drive?
A usb hard drive
Vanguard requires secure boot enabled. But your system does not support it because Windows isn't in the correct format.
We can change the format but this risks your windows installation. Meaning you would need a usb drive with windows on it to be able to reinstall windows if something goes wrong.
So you have two options
A) We can try to change the format of windows. And if successful you have to keep everything on your computer like nothing has ever changed. If not successful you'll just need to reinstall windows
B) Reinstall Windows.
So I need to setup a recovery state ? Seems like a would be a better option but how likely is this to fix my issue
100%, If successful. If not then reinstalling windows will also be 100%
yo dindt you say you can enable secure boot?
Ooo perfect is it something to do with mbr gpt stuff
So do you wish to continue?
Yeah saw a Reddit post about it
Yes please 🙏
do that at your own risk bro
Open cmd as admin
list disk```
Send a photo
here boss

You forgot the space

then enter

Did you previously use that disk for windows?
one of them yes
i had windows 10 installed but it got corrupted
so i wiped them and installed tiny 11
all of my icons were gone and i couldnt open any apps
Well that disk isn't windows so we have to find it
then enter

Thats not windows :|
then enter
concerning why disk two is windows

Windows :D
idk man the installation was a little turbulent
The scary thing is your system partition is on a different partition
We are now going to proceed with the conversion
i followed a tutorial for setting up tiny 11
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:2 /allowFullOS```
and my 2 tb drive is a 3tb drive but it has a partition for some reason

Follow the instructions below
Send a photo

Send a photo

Open file explorer
And go to the path
Then open the file
Scroll down to the bottom and send me a photo

Press win+x, Then press on disk management

Right click on this and press shrink volume


This time click on the one to the right
The one with the letter G
And do the same thing

Enter the number 500
And press shrink
on the selected one ?
500 mb unallocated
Right click on that new unallocated bit
And then press new simple volume
Assign the letter

All other settings stay the same

499 :|
That should be fine
it was the default
Go back to disk part

Then finally the last command before the conversion


uh oh
Note: Again this command cannot be undone. If it fails you'll need to reinstall windows with a usb that has the windows installation media on it

Does it really need that one mb 😭
You're joking windows
no way
so i need to remove that partition and set it to 500mb?
^ Do the same thing here but this time do 10 instead of 500
And then we'll combine the 10 with the 499
Right click the new volume with the letter V. And click extend volume. Then click on the 10mb
i have to set it to 9
i type 10 and it wont let me
assuming i should have shrunk volume to 11 first
As long as it's over 500mb after extending
done extending volume now
should the new volume also have been v:
i set it to a:
You shouldn't have made a new volume
Please send me a photo

Delete that 9mb volume
Right click and press extend ON THE New Volume (V:)
extend is grayed out

Delete the 10mb volume
still cant extend
OK delete the volumes then. And we'll do everything but then make the volume bigger this time
thanks for taking the time btw really appreciate it
After it's all deleted you should have unallocated space
Most likely around 510 mb
i entered the command again but it still showed as failed
Like show me disk management

i accidentally shrunk again
Did you re enter the commands?
Also the partition number could have changed
it did


Yeah Windows is going to need to be reinstalled
Most likely your C partition doesn't have enough room
so i just reinstall but choose not to keep my data
Also if you're going to reinstall windows make sure you enable secure boot and everything before reinstalling.
ok what about csm
You'll need a USB you cannot do it via windows
The csm needs to be disabled for secure boot to be enabled
ye i have a tiny 11 install
thing is whenever i turned on secureboot and went to disable csm it would remove my boot drive and boot loop to bios
Yes that's because Windows doesn't support it
That's what we were trying to fix
So all you would need to do is insert the usb drive and you would boot into the usb and then you can reinstall windows from there
then all my woes will be solved
thanks wouldnt be surprised if this is the longest community help in a while (:
ill update tomorrow but i have some mates waiting on rust
again thanks for your time and patience
np. Have a good day!
there has to be another way to fix this i dont wanna do allat
Are you also in legacy mode?
what does that mean?
im using gigabyte B650 eagle ax mobo
is that like a setting in bios?
sorry about these super late responses i keep forgetting

Restart Computer
Press Del key while booting to get into BIOS
Make sure it's in Advanced Mode (If it's in Easy Mode press F2)
Go to "Boot" tab at the top
Find: "CSM Support", Make sure its DISABLED
Find: "Secure Boot", Set Secure boot to DISABLED
Find: "Secure Boot Mode", It should be Standard, SET it to Custom
Find: "Restore factory keys", Click it, And click YES
You may get a pop up asking you to EXIT WITHOUT SAVING. Press NO
Find: "Secure Boot", Set Secure boot to ENABLED
secure boot can only be enabled from bios
it normally shouldnt! but yk shuld do it at ur own risk
hello sorry for the ping. but when i use rufus to create the boot media i can only choose mbr or gpt does this affect anything or should i continue with the install
You should choose gpt
NTFS or fat32?

im pretty sure it worked ty that tutorial was perfect did u like make that?
it worked ty
thats good