"this version of vanguard requires secure boot to be enabled in order to play van9003"

6 Replies
i know how solve it
i have video how
but cant send link
just type on youtube
windows secure boot enabel
then it shows u
also having same error will test quickly
I went and reenabled firmware tpm
Bro does anyone have a somution
This is pissing me off so much
Restart ur pc and spam the F2 key on ur keyboard as its starting to get into the bios. Use ur phone to chat here
It was enabled but now it shows it is off and I cannot put it back on
i have done that
i had two options
amd ftpm config
adn then
firmware/the other one
i tried both
they were both enabled
firmware was default enabled
but it didn't work
so i reenabled it
and the problem was still there