Game Freezing someone help
My game is randomly freezing every 10-20 secods for a second, anyone know how to fix this issue?
22 Replies
Is it network lag?
Or like your whole system?
well im under 35 ping so i dont think its entwork lag
Can you turn on game stats
i have some on which do you need
is it your pc
Network to start with
Then enter the shooting range
aight gime 2 misn
could be his pc?
Yes but I want to check network first
makes sense
just wanna ask did this always happen or not

Use graphs please

Is the freezing happening on that photo?
Wait for it to happen
are you freezing in the range at all
Then send the photo
wait my fried told me to update my gpu nividia drivers and it will fix the issue if it doesnt ill come back
sir saucy as you are the community player support i shalt leave this conversation