How do I turn off spectating teammates when I die?

As the title suggests, I need to be able to disable this. Some players go nutso with their movements for craps n giggles, but this causes me to get a migraine sometimes. I'd rather not risk it, personally, as I do have chronic migraines and if I'm playing Valorant, it's cause I'm actually feeling good enough to do so. Just curious if there is a method and I completely missed something in settings. Thanks!
6 Replies
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi7mo ago
dont think its possible just tab out and tab back in when round starts
Geniux7mo ago
this. you cant
ᚼᚱᛅᚢᚾ -Dani-
@Diet Pepsi Well, that's poop. Yeah, I've been doing the whole tab out and back in thing. But, I figured by now they would have something figured out. Like a third person camera view of a player or something that doesn't follow their movements. It is; what it is. Ty both!
호나7mo ago
third person view could give you information around angles.
ᚼᚱᛅᚢᚾ -Dani-
Maybe more of an over the shoulder view or some form of camera that doesn't make you follow their crosshairs is more what I was thinking. Sorry for the mix-up on my part. Yeah, it would be an unfair advantage!
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi7mo ago
theres really no way of making any other form of spectating fair any difference in camera angle or placement will allow you to see more than what you should

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