99 Replies
to play val on windows 11 you need tpm 2.0 and secure boot too
I can't activate them,I've tried watching videos but I can't find the right one
I found the secure boot option but I can't activate it
in my bios
mmh why you cant it doesnt say nothing?
does not appear as required options
TPM is working
can you type on the menu msinfo32 to see if you have bios mode uefi?
but the secure boot noµ

srry its in porugues
np its ok

wait what is you motherboard? because Secure Boot features are located in different sections depending on your motherboard
I don't know, I bought this notebook today
I don't know how to see this
Press win+r
Type tpm.msc
Show ss
you need to reboot your pc and press f10. and after that you need to look for the option "system configuration" and you will see a feature that says boot options and you will see the feature "secure boot" and just enable it
Its asking them to enable tpm 2.0, not secure boot sir
Its clearly not in 2.0
As their cpu doesn't support tpm 2.0
I think he already had TPM 2.0, bc you have to have it to be on Win 11.
A big portion of people on win 11 don't have tpm 2.0

They still update to win 11
For whatever reason
Maximize it
Need to see the specification version
Its prob 1.2
Its 1.2
Yea gimme a sec
I try this
Srry 💀
bro how do you are in windows 11?
I bought the notebook like this
Btw is it a laptop or desktop?
Dm ur serial number
So hm
@KryptzZ3 did u install windows on that?
Cuz it says here that its supposed to have android 10 as its operating system
Also no win 11 drivers are available for it
I bought it with Windows
Was it a 2nd hand?
Cuz its not supposed to come with win 11 by default
I think so
Is there no way to fix it then?
No, u cannot update to tpm 2.0
The laptop isn't supported
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
Make a ticket with riot support
Show them ur msinfo32 and tpm.msc
Tell them ur laptop can't get tpm 2.0
Ask them to lift the restriction
ok ty i go try
Also don't make multiple tickets
Just send 1
restriction of not being able to have tpm 2.0?
You can’t do nothing btw
If you want you can change to windows10 idk
Will I lose something with this?
If I change to the 10 will I have to buy it?
You only need a usb with at least 8gb+
Will it be the original?
like, if I don't buy Windows 10 and put Windows 10 on, will it continue to be the original?
Also you may still have the tpm restriction
you need to save your files
but you are gonna have a thing that says activate windows
I found the tpm option, but I can't activate it

I alrdy told u that its enabled
But its the 1.2 version
And u cannot update to 2.0
I also managed to activate secure boot
Hmm srry
If I go back to Windows 10, am I sure I will be able to activate TPM 2.0?
So if I go back to Windows 10, and it doesn't work, will it be impossible to play Valorant?
@jidat bro im windows 10
im enabled secure boot
but the problem not fixed
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo

Show the error code

win+r, tpm.msc, send a photo


Your system does not support TPM 2.0
You'll need to contact riot for them to remove the restriction
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
its last version
for windows 10
i download it from microsoft
it's a hardware thing
what should i do now
you can't play Val
riot lifts the restriction
the pikachu is very wise
in youtube
theres channels play with amd rx570
huh and
now what sould i do to play
Contact riot via: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new
the pikachu speaks the truth
Use this

Vanguard technical issue
And then select the error code: Van 9005

The rest you will need to fill out

my english not good
im arabic
i fill all
but this? @Saucywan

Explain that you do not have tpm 2.0. And that you only have 1.2.

"tpm requirement"
ggs now wait 2 days
Is it guaranteed to remove the restriction if I ask Riot Games Support?