I can't run the pod with container start command
bash -c "cd /workspace/ && sh run.sh"
I tried with this start command, but it does not work, it seems that it run repeatedly
but after I connect to pod and run "cd /workspace && sh run.sh", it work well
here is run.sh
what is wrong?
please help me 🥺
10 Replies
@hero it's cause you probably mount volume storage and on secure cloud it have higher priority and it basically ignores files from docker image
thanks for your help.
so how can I update the pod?
bake files to external place and have script that sync files back to /workspace on start
all files are stored in workspace folder
you want to move them outside of that folder can then on start script copy them into /workspace
GitHub - runpod/containers: 🐳 | Dockerfiles for the RunPod contain...
🐳 | Dockerfiles for the RunPod container images used for our official templates. - runpod/containers
my issue is that the start command run repeatedly
after start command run once, the pod restart, I thinks
I don;t know why it work so
what do you think for it?
as you can see, after start command done, the runpod restart
please help me
yes if pd crashes it restars
use runpodctl to stop pod after you work is done