Tiger Cubs Gone Missing!

I REALLY need help! My tigers cubs went missing the second they were born.. It says they were 'released' how is this possible? Is there any way i can get them back?? I really need those cubs..
15 Replies
You may have misclicked Or maybe there's something that auto releases em But I'm pretty sure you can't get em back
ₑₛₜₕₑᵣOP7mo ago
Noo 😭 I didnt click anything i was sat waiting for them watching her and they just never arrived :(
Someone else might be better for this Could be in quarantine or storage
ₑₛₜₕₑᵣOP7mo ago
ive taken a look in my storage and theres no cubs in there unfortunately i havent looked in quarantine but id assume itd say quarantine and not released ;-;
That's all I can think of I don't play franchise
ₑₛₜₕₑᵣOP7mo ago
thank you anyways 😭
Just a fish :) (died by longneck
that happened to me, my babies have been dissapearing,
ₑₛₜₕₑᵣOP7mo ago
this has happened to me multiple times now too, its very annoying when youre breeding for something specific and they just go poof
Tanooki_Leaf7mo ago
have backups fr
Just a fish :) (died by longneck
ya i had polar bears, and girrafes and they vanished
Liam4507mo ago
Better put up missing posters
ₑₛₜₕₑᵣOP7mo ago
that was VERY useful thank you! :Koala_2:
Valkyrja7mo ago
ayoliam received a thank you carrot!
Liam4507mo ago
No problem.

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