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Transcription requested by TempestUknow
Disproportionation का अगर E0 पॉजिटिव है तो Disproportionation हो जाएगा That's it. So you have to find the E0 and the E0 is not that direct. You have to find it using the Δ G0 idea because E0 is not additive. G0 is Δ G0 is Because it's an extensive property whereas E0 is intensive. ये सब शायद आपने उड़ी पढ़ा होगा

E0 for Cu+1 to Cu+2 is -ve but in ans A option is there
i thought we had to check E0 for Cu+1/Cu and Cu+1/Cu+2 and check if +ve so G3 is for the reaction Cu+1/Cu+2
disproporsnation is when 1 compund goes in 2 diff oxidation states , Cu+ will go in Cu and Cu2+
If Cu+/Cu , E0 +ve , Delta G is -ve hence reaction is spontaneous and can happen , Cu+ / Cu2+ , E0 is -neg so should that mean it is not spontaneous and it cant happen?
cant happen on its own
The two reactions you are talking about are different. Dis:: is the full reaction, that second one you wrote is a half reaction. Only oxidation ie. Account for the reduction step too, add those.
Ooooh so oxidation potential for one and reduction potential for other
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