Why do my characters do this :???
I never see characters when im trying to pick them and when i go into a match it freezes up?

109 Replies
please help its irritating and stops me from wanting to play this game since it happens everytime
just loaded up into a match after idk how long and happens again
does it freeze your game bc if it does it do this to me too
i hate it so much
yeah and it then unfreezes when it goes into a match
it freezes my inter pc
makes me think it crashed and never too sure cus it takes forever to load into the match load part
yeah i have to like unpluig my pc
im on laptop and it js freezes up not sure why
if u find a fix lmk man
im trying to find one man
have u tried turning the hardware thing off?
@Oswaldo ur talking about the whole pc/laptop freezing up?

Some ppl turn off the Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling and it fixes the issue; it’s like u load into a game and freeze, or after a few matches, u tab out and freeze; but if u turn it off it should be good
im on windows 11 tho
idk where that is
i’m on windows 11 as well, gimme a sec
Settings > Display > Graphics

@Trixymademe/Beforelogan try turning it off n play for a few days and see if it helps
alright thanks
does it never load or take a while
have you tried waiting
people usually request for a remake since u're afk while waiting making it impossible to even play
yeah it usually loads me in but still a massive pain
alr will try this rq
hows valorant been?
alr alr
Now it's just loading up and taking a long time
Been looking at this for a few minutes now

Okay I finally loaded up
Okay I'm in I'ma go into Freeplay and see how it goes

said this
is your pc just bad?
def not
i play on a laptop and i can play a good amount of things with no trouble
good amount of things such as
elden ring fortnite
i mean fortnite is just fortnite
thats not a super hard game to run
ye and neither is val
so your agents dont appear when you try to choose them?
i dont play too many games but this didnt happen previously wit val just started up one day
and it takes a while to load
yeah just the dots
to open up and go into a match
thats not any bug thats just them loading
beforehand they would appear instantly
could be the update
or bad internet connection
could be internet but again i doubt it its aight
didnt happen before i dont see why it happens now
i dont know but the dots for sure arent any bug
do i turn on hardware acceleration and see if i can load into a custom game
Is ur game on a hdd?
Ur storage
you arent explaining what a hdd is lol
Is it a hdd
theres an ssd and an hdd
its on an external hardrive
Its common knowledge
Yea, there is ur issue
not really
okay i loaded into a custom and i can see my character
They shouldn't own a laptop/pc if they don't know what kinda storage they have
but many do
im not much of a computer guy im more of a workout guy bruh
Move it to ur internal drive, preferably a ssd
i just also enjoy videogames
i dont think i got an ssd
buy one
not expensive
noted will get one soon
Open task manager
Show ss

you do have an ssd
i think i forgot honestly
ohhh alright
Move ur riot games folder to ur C drive please.
yeah i dont got the best memory
will do
nice laptop btw
pretty good one
srry i dont know much abt this
24 gigs of ram kinda odd
But whatever
Shouldn't matter
it says copying items to C: folder
or copying stuff to the ssd
that fine?
Did u cut the folder or copied it?
Also how much space is on ur C drive?
i just dragged it
let me see rq
i got 100gb on it free
475gb what
475gb of what

yea yea ok
enough for valorant
i already got a riot games folder on the C: drive
it just has league on it
not val
Just let it be
This happened to me I just reinstalled the game
just get val in there
okay moving val rn
okay its done
see if it works
well not it says install
when i try opening it
install what
lemme move riot client rq too
when you try to open valorant it installs it instead
it says install yea
Change the target in riot client settings
cus my riot client is in external drive
oh i just moved it
Change it to the new location of the valorant folder
lemme do that then

just says this and i cant click install path
nvm got it
lets see if it opens up faster now
oh it did
Ofc it did lol
so this should fix my troubles
Probably yea
alr ill lyk what happens
ty for the help tho!
sorry man, idk how u got that but it didn’t happen to me 🙂↕️
it happens when u want to get into a match fast, u just need to wait a while so itll work back
have u start loading in match like normal again?
oH Lol
yes tanks u!
damn so people are forced to use ssd now
Not necessarily
His issue was the charecters not loading in agent select
And u can't definitely work fine without that