Interview Outfit

Hey y’all! I’ve got an interview for a promotion to a manager position next month. I need some help for an interview outfit that will help me look the part. My typical outfit when going into the office is a polo tucked into some tech chino pants and some leather chukka boots. This is a pretty standard outfit in the office. I recently lost a ton of weight so none of my button downs fit me anymore. I am currently a medium in most tops and a 34/30 in pants. My polos and pants are good fellow and Co. i only have the one gray pair of pants. Budget: $100 Wants: Dress shoes, preferably black. Button down shirt. Belt. Maybe pants if mine aren’t good enough. I’m not sure what colors to do. If I use my pants, I was thinking black shoes and shirt with gray pants. Please let me know if you have any questions. (Oh I’m a Texas boy and it’s hot as hell. Also, I’m Hispanic if skin tone matters) Thank you!
17 Replies
Shrimp7mo ago
My question is what is your question?
Cholo Swagginz
Cholo SwagginzOP7mo ago
Sorry for not being clear enough. I’m looking for outfit ideas/inspiration for my upcoming interview for a management position in my current company. Something that is more elevated than my normal attire.
Shrimp7mo ago
$100 for the whole outfit is going to be tight. At that budget you're going to have to thrift probably I'd look around in #waywt for outfits you like. I think many people in there are dressing in a way that would work for an interview
Cholo Swagginz
Cholo SwagginzOP7mo ago
I appreciate the advice. I guess a more respectable budget would be $200.
Shrimp7mo ago
Look at the outfits of Zeometer, The Teenage Gentleman, Braindrops, and Shrimp My Ride if you need inspiration on color combinations You can search their WAYWT outfits by putting this in the search bar from:USERNAME in:waywt has:image actually let zeo tell you. hes better at this style than I am
zeometer7mo ago
if it's an internal interview are you able to ask for pointers on this (did this on my last internal one and was able to dress down in response) from what i gather your standard dress is somewhere in the realm of business casual ie
Cholo Swagginz
Cholo SwagginzOP7mo ago
I actually did. And recommendation was button down, trousers and dress shoes. So I guess color combos is more my question Yep! Business casual.
zeometer7mo ago
righteous, that makes it easier light-colored shirt on top, dark-colored bottom, brown or black shoe and belt is a pretty easy go to light blue, light pink, light yellow or light gray are pretty 'safe' colors, and all of those go well with olive, navy and a darker gray depending on their condition, your current pants may already be satisfactory here
Cholo Swagginz
Cholo SwagginzOP7mo ago
Brand new pants! In a darker gray. Would black shoes and white shirt be too basic?
zeometer7mo ago
there's a tradeoff; it's 'basic' but in some cases that could convey a degree of professionalism that is appreciated. i don't know your interview panel or job to say for sure
Cholo Swagginz
Cholo SwagginzOP7mo ago
Technical side of cardiology.
zeometer7mo ago
you're probably fine with a white shirt
Cholo Swagginz
Cholo SwagginzOP7mo ago
Thanks. I feel like I’d get good mileage out of a white shirt haha
zeometer7mo ago
for shoes $200 is a somewhat low bar; you could get lucky at a department store or on shoebank or you can check secondhand allen edmonds or gh bass are decent brands that will hit under your budget secondhand; i'd say loafers or derby shoes, depending on your environment/preference
Cholo Swagginz
Cholo SwagginzOP7mo ago
Thank you. It may be something worth investing in. My foot is about an 8.5 double wide or a 10 w. I would love a loafer but my foot tends to be too tall. But I’ll look into the brands
zeometer7mo ago
allen edmonds has physical stores where they'll measure your feet, and gh bass tends to be true to size in my experience.
Cholo Swagginz
Cholo SwagginzOP7mo ago
Awesome. I’ll look into those brands I appreciate the help y’all

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