Not letting me download/ reinstall
Hey so I've been DYING to play val and never got the chance too bc it keeps crashing my system that I can't even move my mouse and would have to shut down my entire pc
11 Replies
I've tried downloading it from the epic games and the riot games and last time it did and I would only stay in the loading screen
starting the download crashes your system?
Yeah but now im facing where it would crash my system in the loading screen
Its doing it again after trying to download it
do you get an error or?

Im just getting stuck here
ooh ok
try this

Nope didnt work :(
hmm try disabling firewall
also if you have mobile data just to test check if it loads on that
if that doesn't work
download ddu, uninstall and reinstall graphic drivers
Sorry none of those worked! So i just factory reset it but its now working!!! (Gotta redownload everything but now its working) ima guess i had something downloaded that was bugging it
Tysm smh trying to help!! :2845catdancehearts: