Leaving website in "Pending" for too long

Hi everyone, we are currently in the process of preparing a customer's site to move to cloudflare DNS, it has over 100 records so we are just triple-double-triple checking everything before updating the nameservers. I seem to recall that there is a limit somewhere for how long you can leave a website in this state, and if you exceed this limit, cloudflare assumes you dont own the domain and will block you from transferring it, is this true?
3 Replies
Chaika7mo ago
Cloudflare Docs
Zone status | Cloudflare DNS docs
Review information on the different statuses that your zone can have after you add your website or application to Cloudflare.
Chaika7mo ago
If your domain is on the Free plan, it will be deleted automatically if it is not activated within 28 days. Any pending zone with a paid plan (Pro, Business, Enterprise) will remain pending until the plan is removed, or the domain is activated or removed from Cloudflare.
it's not like it would get blocked or anything, you would just need to readd it and use the new nameservers assigned you wouldn't be able to transfer the domain to Cloudflare's registrar (if you meant that by "transfer" until it's active
FraznoFireOP7mo ago
Ah perfect, thanks!

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