My Account is not getting unbanned but banntime is up Pls help me
My Account should be unbanned / Unlocked at 12.08.2024 1AM and today is 14:08.2024 and its still showing this screen idk why im not getting unbanned and riot is not solving my supoort ticket they dont answer and just click solve case , idk what I should do to play val on thi acc again , Pls help me

37 Replies
maybe the unban time is in MM/DD/YYYY
so Dec 8th
that would be crazy it already was 3 months now
what did blud do
bro i was just toxic one game and spamming the minur rr truck in the chat , they cant be real and bann me 6 months for the hwid bann is 5 months
riot games ๐ฉ ๐คฌ
hwid is 4 months actually :Nerdge:
crazy riot hats me i fought only 3 months but then its actually december tf 7 months bann for toxic hahaha
i like riot
maybe if they optimized their game for hdds ๐
Everyone should have a SSD by now
not everyone is rich or lives in a first world country
Bro I live in a third world country and a SSD is not that expensive
And I am poor
not everyone can afford one dude
or a good pc
If they have a pc or laptop they have a little bit more for a SSD upgrade
For me 256GB is around 20 USD
Storage is literally the cheapest part of the PC
Also any PC can handle Valorant
Valorant is CPU intensive
depends which brand ofc but im pretty sure any normal brand like samsung will atleast be 35 usd and that isnt as cheap to everyone
I'm sure someone has 35 USD and any SSD would work
What your PC budget is 50 USD?
If you have a PC I don't think you are dirt poor
my pc is pretty much completely 2015 stuff so ig yeah
not 50 usd duh
What's your Specs
i5 3rd gen ddr3 ram 750 ti
liek i said, everything 2015
having money then doesnt mean i have now to buy an ssd
Your PC can handle Valorant, and no way you don't have an extra 30 USD
Where do you live that storage is expensive
It doesn't even need that much money
i do not.
Get a job or save money
illegal to get a job :D
โjust ger richโ
What where do you live
fr so simple... just shoot their heads
So true
Also you have Nitro saying you don't have money
who said i bought it
SSD is Nice to have but is unnecessary if pc is already bad
Never Had a Problem with that on any Game
yep vanguard is just stuuubid
Nah its still good
Also very cheap HDD isn't even worth it
And most modern games need an SSD
It's not 2015 anymore
why wont you accept valorant just is not optimized?, overwatch has 10x higher textures n shit to load and it has 0 issue running on an hdd its just vanguard which i get it okay less hackers (WHICH IS FAIR) but atleast make it PLAYABLE it cant be that hard
I would say it's pretty optimised making bad PC specs be able to play the game
it's optimized in terms of running the game yes, but vanguard couldn't run on hdd if it's damn life depended on it
Honestly I have not heard of people complaining about HDD until now because everyone got SSD
:Shruge: idk what to tell you dude live in a bubble ig
Lmao okay