wierd Bug (i think)
Hi, so im in bronze 3 (peak s2) And i just played a game on ascent with 31/12/13 as my stats the match outcome was 14-12, I had team mvp and I only got 10 rr with no performance bonus (there were only 3 bronze 3 players and the wasn’t a rank higher than that and no lower than bronze 1) is this a bug because this was my rank up game and I’m so mad rn
12 Replies
can you show a screenshot of your comp history?

is this even possible?
apparently it is :KEKL:
that i get 10
and in another game where i did way way worse i got 16
hidden mmr just dropped 5 ranks :2_PepeLaugh:
whats that ?? ( i feel dumb)
i mean
i know what mmr is
but wdym 5 ranks
it was a joke :r_uhh:
play another match and see how the rr gain/loss is
im scared that ill lose and the cycle will repeat again
i shouldove gotten 20 rr minimum
if you still just gain as little as that you know that the mmr is just playing games with you
im still in shock
my friend got 21 rr this game
theyre b1