Cannot make grid-container scroll on overflow
I am stumped on what seems like a relatively easy problem: make a grid container scroll when it overflow, specifically in the x direction. However, the container isn't respecting my overflow: scroll. Im stumped.. Codepen below
Solution: It was my MacOs settings. System Setting -> Appearance -> Show Scrollbars (Always)
12 Replies
It's scrolling for me
Same here. It’s scrolls fine on the iPad.
what the heck
okay guess its my machine
thanks for checking
What's your machine?
What browser?
how do you see it?

and you can't scroll?
I cannot. I added scrollbar-color: red orange; and there isn't anything there.
Glad its working on others but im puzzled why my chrome is so ducked
Safari and firefox dont have it either
Is there any properties that your browser doesnt recognize?
have you set a scrollbar-width?

Everything looks good. The computed width is 100vw, but I still don't get a scrollbar when I inflated it to a larger value
Can I see what you're seeing?
I am going to reboot in the meantime
It was my MacOs setting. Scrollbars set to always be visible fixed it.