any advise on web hosting
i have made a tutoring website that has a domain and is live using github pages which is static. im using the MERN stack. what do i have to do in order for people to use it dynamically as in like be able to sign up so that the data stays in the database with out the localhost and stuff like that? i did some research i saw that i need to host it on a server for the website to be dynamic. i saw that for node projects its better to use Virtual Privet Server or VPS Hosting, is this true? if so where can i go to get it/set it up? like Hostinger?
7 Replies
netlify and vercel have free plans, if im not mistaken
Hosting MERN on either of those is not going to be a good time.. idk why people think express on serverless is a good idea 🫠
You want a full time running server, not serverless functions
oh, right, mern is the weird thingy with mongodb
you could try checking aws or digital ocean, but those are less "plug-and-play"
I mean I could be wrong, there's lots of articles telling you how to host it on vercel specifically. Guess it would just use serverless actions to spin up the rest API 🫠🤔
i can image those 5s of spin up time, or more
Thank you so much for all the advice guys🤝Really appreciate it
So how do commercial people use Mongo?
This is more of a #discussions question as you're not asking about specific code (which is what this channel is for)