Error VAL 5
I can launch the game and navigate in the menus but at the moment I click on 'Play' button, I can't launch Matchmaking and the game show an Error : VAL 5
How can I fix it please?
30 Replies
Error 5 means hwid ban
What does hwid ban mean?
Okay and how can I be Hardware ban if I never cheat on the game ?
U couldn't be more wrong holy shit
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Navigate to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
I don't have "Riot Vanguard" folder in my 'Program files'
Skip it
It's doesn't work
I played 3 ish games, after went into a queue with a friend but when we got put into a game, I picked an agent, and my screen went black after I locked in.
"A review detected that actions of an account playing on this device violated the User Rules (Section 7) of our Terms of Service. Fair play and respecting the integrity of a match are essential to be a team that wins together. We encourage you to reflect on your behavior to be a respectful player in your games. You can visit our Terms of Service to learn more, including your right to appeal. Error Code: Val 5"
Then I quit and went to the riot launcher then,
"This is an automated message that this VALORANT account has been suspended until 2/10/2025 12:14 PM. Once you close this message, you'll return to
the login screen. Player reports and an automated gameplay review indicate that this account has manipulated its own rank or the rank of others with suspicious shifts in skill and unfair play, which breaks our user rules (Section 7 in our Terms of Service) and ruins the game for other players. True competition can't exist without fair play and you'll never know how good you really are until it's just you and the game. Always give both other I Understand"
I dont smurf,cheat,boost. Nothing. I have spent hundreds on val, so Im really confused??@jidat
write a ticket to riot they will provide you with transcripts for what you got banned for, but be prepared it will be something really stupid like "ggez get good"
Press win+r
Type services.msc
Look for vgc
Set startup type to automatic
Start the service
they said
3-4 days
Show the error if it gives any
The service is already start
Change startup type to automatic then
Then restart ur pc
Don't work sadly
Did u fix it?
I follow every step you say and it still don't work
I’m having the same issue load up fine and every time I click play it don’t work it says val 5 and makes me close it
Open cmd as admin
Type these commands
sc delete vgk
sc delete vgc
Open riot client and update the game
Restart pc after the update
Once Restarted, go to services.msc
Find vgc
Show ss
I still have the play option
Restart ur pc

Bro !!! I freaking love you ♥♥♥ It works
Finally after 3 days

Hm np