No voicechat & Party chat
Since more than a month the voice chat disappeared completly in valorant.
Looptest works, I hear myself.

16 Replies

Hey, are you on pc? If yes then I know a fix you can try, I just fixed mine recently
Could u tell me the fix as well pls?
Sure man what valorant servers do you play on?
EU, NA ?
I believe this method only works for EU servers
Nah asia
Still i would like to try
alright, I might be able to figure it out for asia as well, no guarantees that it works. When you go into valorant , press play and then the 3 lines above your banner, which server do you have the best ping on?
Alright man, now search up Cloudfare Warp and press on the first website
then just download for what device you're using
after installing warp it should appear on the right down corner of your taskbar, I will attach a screenshot

click on it, enable and then hop on a custom match in valorant and test out your voice chat and tell me if it works
If it does work you will need to enable warp each time you reopen your pc in order for valorant vc to work
Actually I believe that voice chat doesn't work on custom games if you're alone
but you will be able to tell if its working if the voice chat icon shows up on the left side next to your name

nvm bro, I'm sorry. this fixed my vc for 2 matches and It's back to not working again. I'm so done with this shitty game
Np bro thank you still
Heyy sorry yes was on pc, its shitty bugg.
I wrote many times support, right now keep saying basic things, driver update like audio, privacy settings, clean install. All things dont work its on their side :(
like the other guy said, try downloading warp it could be a connection issue to the communications server (I doubt it'll increase your ping by much)
Didnt work unfortunately, i also ask support they said its my isp. But i test on shitty office pc from my dad and it worked fine. So i doubt it because its in same netwerk. Seems like hitting randomly pcs🤷♂️