Feature request: Mocks for integration and unit testing managed components. As a user, I should be a

Feature request: Mocks for integration and unit testing managed components. As a user, I should be able to create tests for custom managed components within the same tooling as the overall worker's ecosystem (using Vitest). It's easy enough to create basic mock objects for passing into functions for unit tests, but ideally, there should be a more seamless way to test managed components. https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/testing/vitest-integration/
15 Replies
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Unknown User•7mo ago
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JAKEN 👻•7mo ago
@diegoaguilar yes. 🙂 It can be used to replace google tag manager and is highly efficient / faster when loading your tags
LukeWT•7mo ago
Hello there 🙂 I've had a support ticket waiting a response regarding Zaraz for over a week now - does anyone here know if there's a way I can expedite it? We are on the paid plan Our case number: 01027954 🙂 I just realized it's been 10 days no response D: Is there a chance we've been accidentally lost in spam or something? Seems a long time without any response Would appreciate it if someone could check it, thank you 🙂
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Unknown User•7mo ago
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LukeWT•7mo ago
Hey sure, sorry I thought you had access to it by the ID. Here's the question: Hello, We are currently using Cookie Bot as our consent management platform as when we originally setup consent management the CMP for Zaraz was not very mature However, it looks like it's come a long way since then and I'd like to explore replacing Cookie Bot with Zaraz. Could you please confirm that the Consent Management Platform supports Google Consent Mode v2 Advanced I have read your documentation here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/zaraz/advanced/google-consent-mode/ However it's unclear to me whether Zaraz supports the advanced mode or only the regular mode? Could you help clarify that please and confirm what steps we would need to take to ensure we have the advanced mode implemented? Thanks in advance for any help! Kind regards, Luke
Cloudflare Docs
Google Consent Mode | Cloudflare Zaraz docs
Google Consent Mode is used by Google tools to manage consent regarding the usage of private data and Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Zaraz provides automatic support for Consent Mode v2, as well as manual support for Consent Mode v1.
jeremy•7mo ago
Hey there! We have been using Zaraz for a couple years now, and over time we've had a number of instances where our code changes caused unexpected issues with Zaraz. Most recently we had an unexpected issue with the purchase event that caused our Google Ads account algorithm to suffer significantly. (directly impacting profit :/) A lot of these issues have stemmed from not having a good way to run automated tests or even QA in our testing/staging environments. I guess my question is - does Zaraz have any sort of sandbox environment or solutions for testing or integrating with CI/CD pipelines? I know there is the "Zaraz Debugger", however, that leaves a lot to be desired as you either have to test manually in production, or load zaraz in testing environment, corrupting your data/events with fake testing data. Just curious if there's currently any support, plans for any support, or ideas on how to QA zaraz performance? Thanks
Martin•7mo ago
Hello everyone, we are facing issue with conversions. For some unknown reason zaraz started triggering purchase event multiple times and it is causing us big issues. Everything was good, so I'm wondering if any update or something else might've caused this issue?
Unknown User
Unknown User•7mo ago
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LukeWT•7mo ago
Oh but I thought Zaraz would have to send specific information to Google? Or is that just done automatically? So if we set up consent manager as per the docs, it'll just send all the needed info without further config?
Coop•7mo ago
has anyone set up Zaraz with Iubenda consent management? I think its seeing cached cookies and code from Iubenda and blocking it because it has cached names
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Coop•7mo ago
Looks like Iubendas manual install allows you to change it to text/plain instead of JS to the script tags to let them decide what to block, will this mess with the zaraz caching at all? <script class="_iub_cs_activate-inline" type="text/plain">
Rafael Machado
Rafael Machado•7mo ago
Hi. Shouldn't the wbraid be saved in a cookie? When I open a URL from my website with "?gclid=xyz123", a cookie is set. But when I open a URL with "?wbraid=xyz123", no cookie is set.
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Unknown User•7mo ago
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jeremy•7mo ago
Hello all! So we've implemented the more-reliable "HTTP Events API" for "purchase" events, and have switched our GA4 config to use this server-side trigger. We are trying to migrate the rest of our tools over to use the API "purchase" trigger, however, we are having difficulty with Google Ads. We've attempted to use the server-side trigger for Google Ads, however, these purchases aren't actually showing as converted in Google Ads. In the screenshot, you can see GA4 data showing a user who eventually made a purchase on our site(From Google Ads), and you can see that the traffic medium & source is shown as Google CPC everywhere except the actual purchase event. Are there any special tricks needed to get the Google Ads tool to work with the Zaraz HTTP Events API? We are making sure to include the "cfz_google-ads" cookie in our payload as seen in the screenshot. Any help would be very appreciated as migrating this over is a big priority for us!
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Stefano•7mo ago
I can no longer make any changes in my Zaraz, it gives me an error: Bad Request: validation error: unexpected end of JSON input On console: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 () You too?

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